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[1.0.5] possible bug with img bcc code and url bbc code Started by Jorin · · Read 2548 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[1.0.5] possible bug with img bcc code and url bbc code

A user of my forum posted an answer yesterday with an img code and an url code. It looked like this:

[img]source_of_image[/img][url=http://first_url]http://the_same_url_again[/url] ...followed by some text.

I don't know why, but the image was not shown, so I wanted to correct his malfunctioning code. But I couldn't! I changed the code, clicked on "post", but nothing happened. The post had the information "last edited by Jorin", but my edits weren't saved. I tried this a few times, always the same problem.

I had to use the quick edit instead of the full edit. When used the quick edit my changes were saved.

Strange!  :o


Re: [1.0.5] possible bug with img bcc code and url bbc code

Reply #1
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Re: [1.0.5] possible bug with img bcc code and url bbc code

Reply #2

I find it difficult to reproduce... :(

1) Were you using the WYSIWYG editor or just the "normal" one?
2) Provide the exact bbcode (I mean with exactly the url of the image and of the text) would help a lot in these cases.
3) Which browser?
Bugs creator.
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Re: [1.0.5] possible bug with img bcc code and url bbc code

Reply #3

Considering the 5 months, I'm moving to exterminated, if you have any more info we can have a second look. ;D
Bugs creator.
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Re: [1.0.5] possible bug with img bcc code and url bbc code

Reply #4

It never accured again, so feel free.  ;)

Re: [1.0.5] possible bug with img bcc code and url bbc code

Reply #5

Thanks! :)
Bugs creator.
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