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[OpenImporter] Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to ElkArte, new bug found! Started by Keiro · · Read 15283 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[OpenImporter] Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to ElkArte, new bug found!

Obviously, I used SMF's importer to import PHPBB3 to SMF. That went okay.

Importing SMF to ElkArte went okay too, with slight issues but I was able to resolve those issues.

You will need to add the ability to either correct usernames that have spaces in them or make sure that ElkArte's able to import usernames with spaces.

For example, on a test install, I have a user that has the username Yukari Yakumo. She graciously allowed me access to her account to test things on the forums. I'm able to log in as her but I have no ability to log out as soon as I log in.

The My Account portion of the forums is completely and utterly missing, however all other functions like Mentions, New Posts, New Replies do work just fine.

I tried updating Yukari Yakumo to Yukari_Yakumo in order to correct the issue via PHPMyAdmin. That... did not go over well. Basically, when I tried to do a search for her username, I got Request URI too large. So... if there's a fix for this that doesn't involve renaming usernames with spaces into something like Yukari_Yakumo, that'd be nice.

Edit: screenshot ahoy!

EDIT: And if one attempts to access the profile, say ... one gets an error:

QuoteSorry, we can't let you access this section. We can't even tell you if it exists. You're welcome to visit the main page and choose your way from there.

Edit2: another error occurred, this happened when I was trying to get the forum to find errors and repair them, and the like.:

QuoteAn Error Has Occurred
The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: name

ETA by ema: added OpenImporter tag to the subject.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #1

The errors that the find errors and repair them script finds is below:

Note also, that I've had to cut a fair amount of text errors for The subject for topic #number in order to get under the exceeded character limit.
QuoteThe following errors are fouling up your forum:

    Topic #4144 is in board #0, which is missing.
    Topic #4770 is in board #0, which is missing.
    Topic #4803 is in board #0, which is missing.
    Topic #4834 is in board #0, which is missing.
    Message #13226 was posted by member #1, who is now missing.
    Personal message #333 was sent by member #1, who does not exist.
    The subject of topic #8 is currently not stored in the subject cache.
    The subject of topic #13 is currently not stored in the subject cache.
    The subject of topic #14 is currently not stored in the subject cache.
    The subject of topic #15 is currently not stored in the subject cache.
    The subject of topic #17 is currently not stored in the subject cache.
    The subject of topic #24 is currently not stored in the subject cache.
    Cached word 'elkarte' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    Cached word 'to' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    Cached word 'welcome' is linked to a non-existent topic.
    A vote was cast by member #54 on a non-existent poll #1231.
    A vote was cast by member #58 on a non-existent poll #1231.
    A vote was cast by member #59 on a non-existent poll #1231.
    A vote was cast by member #64 on a non-existent poll #1231.
    A vote was cast by member #65 on a non-existent poll #1231.

Would you like to attempt to fix these errors?

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #2

Have you attempted to fix the error?:
1. While in SMF.
2. Then in ElkArte.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #3

Quote from: ahrasis – Have you attempted to fix the error?:
1. While in SMF.
2. Then in ElkArte.

I can't remember, so I'll redo the import. Will post back shortly.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #4

Quote from: Keiro –
Quote from: ahrasis – Have you attempted to fix the error?:
1. While in SMF.
2. Then in ElkArte.

I can't remember, so I'll redo the import. Will post back shortly.

1. Ran find errors and repair them. Successful.
2. Import succeeded. Reran find errors and repair them. Successful.

Users still have the missing My Account issue as seen in the screenshot in OP.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #5

@emanuele the importer is all yours ;) :P
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #6

Most likely the issue is related to permissions.
AFAIR permissions are not imported (or at least not completely), so try to go and check regular members permissions, give them all those that are standards and they should gain access to the profile and alike.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #7

Quote from: emanuele – Most likely the issue is related to permissions.
AFAIR permissions are not imported (or at least not completely), so try to go and check regular members permissions, give them all those that are standards and they should gain access to the profile and alike.

Will report back in a moment how that goes.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #8

Yup, it was permissions. You guys should add correlations for member groups so they merge nicely into Elkarte's member groups.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #9

Looks like I have another issue with the importer:


Trying to get property of non-object

So... uhh, yeah.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #10

Seems the importer has some problems atm. I too have (unsolvable) problems with migration from SMF to ElkArte.

Re: Ported PHPBB3 to SMF then to Elkarte, new bug found!

Reply #11

Quote from: Jorin – Seems the importer has some problems atm. I too have (unsolvable) problems with migration from SMF to ElkArte.

Aye, that it does... though interestingly, the import finished either way. Everything looks good... despite that odd issue.

I'm not sure what the cause of that issue is, but I do know that the SMF converter did have to have a small edit to its code for me to successfully port over to SMF from PHPBB3 in order to finally port over to Elkarte. :|