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ElkArte 1.0.6 - release notes Started by emanuele · · Read 3812 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte 1.0.6 - release notes

This is the list of the fixes and improvements since the previous release, if you are interested, more details can be found at the repository.

You can find the list of known issues at this address.

  • [bugfix] Fix search in all forum when inside a board - fixes #2308 (ref).
  • [bugfix] Fix resizing of bbc images - fixes #2232 (ref).
  • [theme] ! fix #2257 Missing woff2 file (still 4.4) (ref).
  • [bugfix] ! fix #2267 can't delete a pm label (ref).
  • [bugfix] ! fix ##2268 well at least some of the issues (ref).
  • [theme] ! fix #2285 don't show poster avatar/dropdown for ignored users (ref).
  • [bugfix] ! fix #2294 don't allow liking in a locked topic (ref).
  • [theme] Replace div inside the h1 with span - related to #2236 (ref).
  • [theme] Show the hamburger only if there is at least one button to show - fixes #2266 (ref).
  • [enhancement] Allow select and radio buttons not to have a default value and fail registration if not selected - fixes #2239 (ref).
  • [bugfix] Avoid loosing the access keys on multiple quickedits of messages on the same page - thanks Flavio for reporting - fixes #2238 (ref).
  • [theme] Reduce the size of the site slogan - thanks winstar for reporting and the fix - fixes #2236 (ref).
  • [bugfix] Fix warning levels when moderation is disable - thanks gevv for reporting the bug (ref).
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