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Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls Started by kode54 · · Read 6243 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Our older forum, which I migrated from last weekend, had the ability to create both multiple choice polls, and multiple questions or polls per topic. I could probably attempt to implement this myself, or wait for someone to implement it for me.

Multiple choice should be fairly easy to do, as it will only require a multi option on a single poll ID. Multiple questions, on the other hand, will require the ability to store a question number in the choices table. Or it will require the ability to store multiple poll IDs per topic row.

Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #1

A feature like that, I would very well see it first as an addon!
Not because I don't want it in the core, but really because it would have two advantages: 1) be available as soon as it's ready, and 2) it would allow to spot more places that need easier extension (I'm pretty sure you'll need to edit code for that).

And at a later stage it should be pretty easy to integrate it into Elk directly like we did with ILA. ;D
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Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #2

Something like this?
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #3

Yes, but with multiple choice as an option per poll. One thing at a time, though.

Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #4

I too like to have the option to choose multiple answer in a poll

Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #5

Select multiple answers has always been an option (just set "Maximum votes per user:" to something more than one).

But now I'm a little confused by what the original request was... was it to have multiple questions per topic, or let user pick multiple answers in one question?
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Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #6

Multiple answers in one question, in a single vote. Only voting once per answer, at most. In this case, it's an audio codec poll, with one question for lossy, and another for lossless.

Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #7

I think we are calling things with different names, so I'm a bit confused.
Could you actually make an example of how the everything would look like?
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Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #8

Which lossy codecs do you actively use?
[X] MP3
[X] Ogg Vorbis
[ ] WMA Pro
[ ] Other (Explain in topic)
[ ] None, I only use lossless formats

Which lossless formats do you use actively?
[ ] WavPack
[X] Apple Lossless
[ ] WMA Lossless
[ ] Other (Explain in topic)

And both questions are presented in the same topic, and both allow choosing any/all options of either or both polls in a single vote. Each user only gets a single chance to vote in the poll.

Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #9

Bumping this to at least ask for answering more than one answer in a single vote, and each user's votes for a given poll include all of the options they checked with their one vote. Enabling multiple votes per poll would allow one user to vote for the same option multiple times.

Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #10

Quote from: kode54 – And both questions are presented in the same topic, and both allow choosing any/all options of either or both polls in a single vote. Each user only gets a single chance to vote in the poll.
1) multiple questions,
2) to each question the member can pick multiple answers,
3) the member is not allowed to change the vote.
Sounds right?
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Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #11

Yes! :)

Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #12

Bumping this because it became relevant again, with new polls and users already asking why they can't select three options instead of just one.

Voting X times instead would also allow a single user to vote for the same option multiple times, would it not?


Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #13

They can select 3 options because you set up the poll so that only one was available.
If when you create the poll you change "Maximum votes per user" they can select as many options as the number in this setting.

And sorry for the late reply, but I completely missed the topic... :-[
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Re: Feature Request: Multiple choice and question polls

Reply #14

Oh, I didn't realize that's how it worked. I thought the user had to submit multiple times.