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How to create a custom.css? Started by Ruth · · Read 4999 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: How to create a custom.css?

Reply #15

Before I finished the theme we are using now, I made a try with a single file, with all the changes I wanted to do.

A custom.css would have been enough for our forum, if "our colors" would look nice together with white and gray, but they don't do. (And if we had not all those stupid smileys on our buttons) ;)

Therefore it was necessary to do a lot of changes in index.css and a few in jquery.sceditor.css (and also in the admin.css, which is less important to me).

I prefer warm and a bit darker colors, but it is not possible, to get a nice result with such colors in a single custom.css, because the colors of the editor and some parts in the profiles cannot be changed there. Also the lightgray shadows and some white lines in the background would look ugly, if they come together with darker colors. I will make another try with a custom.css, using colors which are a bit lighter for my other forum. (a green one)  Maybe it would be possible that way to use a custom.css.

I really like it to play with colors and I would like to create some other color-variants of our theme or would like to create some different custom.css-files.

Is there a possibility to include changing of colors which must be done in jquery.sceditor.css and admin.css in a custom.css?

Or would it be possible to get a "basic css-file" of the Light Theme without any colors and shadows in it, so that it can be filled with colors any way I would like them?
Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 01:40:42 am by Ruth

Re: How to create a custom.css?

Reply #16

custom.css is the last loaded CSS-File, thus you can combine all your changes made to all the  CSS files (admin.css, index.css, jquery.sceditor.css) into a single file named custom_light.css. Since it's loaded last, the former stylings from other files (index.css, admin.css ...) can be redeclared and therefore will be overwritten.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: How to create a custom.css?

Reply #17

Okay...I have to try this again...

I added some changes which should be done in jquery.sceditor.css in my index.light.css (wich should become the custom.css later) and it did not work. So I thought, those changes always have to be done in  jquery.sceditor.css.

Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 01:50:50 am by Ruth

Re: How to create a custom.css?

Reply #18

Hm, I made some small changes in other CSS files too. Is there a solution?


Re: How to create a custom.css?

Reply #19

It should be possible to add changes from other CSS-files there, as TE has written. The custom.css is the last file, which is loaded and it will overwrite the other files.

Re: How to create a custom.css?

Reply #20

Yeah, I understood. But you said it's not working?

Re: How to create a custom.css?

Reply #21

It was not working in the light-css. I did not change that file to a custom.css yet.