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Thank you! Started by Ruth · · Read 5503 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Thank you!

 I have to appologize for my poor english and all my mistakes again, but I want to tell you:

A few weeks ago the migration of our forum finally was sucessful. :)  TE did a very good job.

Our SMF-Forum was quite old and it was broken since the last upgrade, which has failed.  ::) There were a lot of errors and not-working features in our forum since the last two years. It also was hard and dangerous to work in the backend, it took a lot of time or was not possible at all. Our members always got errors by uploading attachments and - for example - it was not possible, to use our forum with all browsers, because the pictures of our first three years were no longer shown in each browser.

We started our community 10 years ago and it became very important for us. Most of our members are now  between the age of 70 and 80 years, some of them are older. We are collectors of ancient toys, (dolls, dollhouses, teddybears, tintoys and so on); even some famous doll artists are writing in our community, which became quite big in all this years. We do need this community as the only  place to meet each other and to talk and discuss about our collecting items.

We were really afraid, that our community some day completley get broken and would no longer exist...which would have been very, very sad for us. :(

But now after the migration everything is fine again. :) Everything (well, nearly everything) is working perfect. We are so glad about our ElkArte.  It is such a good feeling, to work in a forum, where everything looks good, is easy to handle and is working the way it should work.  I have still not finished everything in forum and portal, there is still some work to do, but working there is no longer a pain and means struggling, it is a pleasure now.

Our members are getting very quickly related with the new features and some other things which are different to SMF, I think, they prefer ElkArte, too. They told me, they do like it very much. (They don't like the "likes" at all, but maybe this will change) ;)

From the first moment, I did see an ElkArte-Forum, I liked it very much. :)  Everything is so well-organized, clever solved and clear. I like the features and the design and when I started  to work with the files of my Test-ElkArte two years ago to paint it in "our colors" and do some other changes, I noticed, that the files are clear and smart, too.

I only know very little about all this "technical stuff", so I need a lot of help and support, but it was much easier for me to work in the ElkArte-files, than in those from SMF. And all the changes in forum that I wanted to do, were possible and took me just half of the time as it had always been with SMF.

So I want to thank you all. All the developpers for creating such a smart software, with its modern and comfortable features and its pretty styling, thank you for everything!  Special thanks to Emanuele for all his help and support, his explainations and his patience with me, special thanks to Spuds for the portal and all my extra-wishes he fullfilled. Thank you, Antechinus, for the trick with the content by setting icons on our buttons, it was very helpful for me. Jorin, thank you very much for all your help from the very beginning of our community until now and that you have shown me ElkArte and tried and tested, if and how a migration of our broken forum would be possible.

TE, I don't know, how I can thank you.  You have done such a lot for us... (Ich weiß nicht, wie ich dir danken soll, mir fehlen einfach die Worte dafür, auch auf deutsch. Vielen, vielen Dank für alles, TE!)

Thank you all so much for your support and your help and for all the time you have spent and the work you have done for our forum. You are great! And you made me very, very glad!

Kim, a member of our community, created those two pictures for you as a greeting and a "thank you" from our community.  The pictures show the rough last two years with our dolls ;)  and how happy they are to be save now.
Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 02:46:49 pm by Ruth

Re: Thank you!

Reply #1

Oh those pictures made me  :D  ;D

Thank you for all your kind words and for all the feedback you have provided, it helped us make a better product.

Re: Thank you!

Reply #2

Better to tag him :) @TE
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Thank you!

Reply #3

Oh, yes, Flavio...I should have done this for all of them. ;)

@emanuele @Antechinus @Jorin there is a "Thank you" from our Community for you!

Re: Thank you!

Reply #4

Good to hear your forum is working well now.

I'm glad you found the files easier to work with than SMF. That was one of the things we were aiming for back when working on Elk 1.0 Alpha.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Thank you!

Reply #5

They are much more easier than those from SMF, Antechinus! Easier to understand and easier to find something there. And it is much more easier to change something, because nearly everything could be done in the CSS-files.

And a lot of things everybody would like to have in forum are allready included in ElkArte, you don't need to install an addon for each of them.

And the files are shorter, aren't they?  A lot of "useless rubbish" which had always been in the SMF-Files has been removed in ElkArte.

Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 06:07:54 am by Ruth

Re: Thank you!

Reply #6

I kept that one unread to re-read it, but then it slipped...
Well, thank you!! :D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.