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Flavio Started by radu81 · · Read 3704 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Pls change that username  >:(
This is how I see the unread topics from my tablet 

Re: Flavio

Reply #1

It's to annoy the devs well enough to fix it, it's been a problem for a pretty long time :/ I've thrown a partial fix on my own already #_#
And with that screenshot you can see how much the usernames can break the theme xD
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Flavio

Reply #2

I'll put a max limit to display name to solve this. :P

Re: Flavio

Reply #3

Quote from: Flavio93Zena #OpIsis (Just see where this username can get) – It's to annoy the devs well enough to fix it, it's been a problem for a pretty long time...

Then annoy the devs with millions of posts about this problem, but do not annoy all other users searching for help here please!  ::)

Re: Flavio

Reply #4

Consider that I do not use a mobile device, so you can use whatever size of the username you want and I'll not be affected (not annoyed) in any manner.
So, with your... silent protest the only thing you are achieving is annoy other members of the forum.

Would you mind properly reporting the bug and then revert your username?
Or should I revert it?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Flavio

Reply #6

Flavio, I'm not your employee, if you feel the project is not keeping the pace you want, I don't feel sorry for that.
Annoying all the forum just because one bug is not fixed is really a quite childish game (feel free to be offended, that's just my own personal opinion).
There is[1] more pressing stuff at the moment than fix what is an edge case in the template that may very well disappear by other changes along the way.

Then again, if you feel anyone is ignoring your reports... well, I can't say anything else than many of mine have been ignored as well, so what?
IMO, that may be wrong, but I'm nothing more than just one person and if anyone think this person is wrong can just roll up their sleeves and put up some code like others have done. If anyone doesn't like git, he can just post the code, ready-to-use code is never thrown away, reviewed yes, thrown away no.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Flavio

Reply #7

It's ok, I was already having a bad day, bad mood and $hit, after that half-a$$ed sarcasm the only thing I can think off is something vulgar, so I'd rather shut up, get out and move on.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Flavio

Reply #8

What's the problem here? Flavio[1] reported a bug and nobody cared? That's not the perfect way to handle bug report, sure, but is this bug kind of a deal breaker for ElkArte? Is a board running ElkArte now totally messed up? How many users with user names so long they brake the theme are registered in the boards running ElkArte? A dozen? Less?

Emanuele[2] works very hard for this project. Give him some time! Perhaps some other things (real life for example) are much more important then a bug only a small group of people will ever witness.

So anyone please keep calm, take a nap or a cigarette or whatever and give hands to each other. Are we grown-ups or not?
Or should I call him "the man with the so often changed user name we don't know who he is anymore"...
I am sure other team members too but he's the one standing in front of the line and he's the one I notice it.

Re: Flavio

Reply #9

Hey gang!  Here are but a few reasons Elk is a wonderful piece of software:

It's open source
It has sensible, logical coding
It works well
It has killer features
You can get professional level support (even though it's free!)
The community is friendly, helpful, and supportive in and of themselves

All my sites are now Elk.  The two recent converts included a 1.1 million post site, and another smaller, newer, busier site.  Why?  All those reasons plus more.  Mainly the features and the fact people can ask questions here without being absolutely berated.  This place, and these people (don't forget there are actual people on the other end of the screen) have a positive spirit about them. 

Everyone has bad days.  Everyone has misunderstandings.  Everyone has misconceptions.  Don't pick up and leave over just one.  It is probably just one or two of those things.  Stick around.  Be part of something positive. 

That said, did you actually ask for support regarding the issue?  Not to say you haven't.  However, emanuele, TE, and others have been as helpful as anyone could ask, at least for my own issues.  Heck, ema registered on one of my sites just to help troubleshoot.  Ya can't beat that!  You also won't get it other places. 

So let's relax.  Talk out the issue.  And be part of something good.