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Drag and drop and general approach to jQuery plugins Started by emanuele · · Read 7770 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Drag and drop and general approach to jQuery plugins

It's a while I'm thinking about it and well...maybe... :P

There are few places that would take advantage from a form of javascript drag and dropping.
Of course the "easiest" way would be to use jQuery UI, though to me it looks like a monster and I don't know if it is worth.
Looking around there are several jQuery plugins around the net for that function, searching a bit I found this page that lists also some alternatives, like:
All of them rely on a plain jQuery and are quite small.

The first one seems "active" (it has a commit 11 days old), the last one is the smallest, but seems abandoned (there are a lot of forks and PRs, but the original author doesn't seem to be much interested in maintaining it).

So, the questions are:
1) are we interested in some drag&drop? (I'd say yes.)
2) What would you prefer: jQuery UI or smaller plugins (with all the consequences of both options)? (I'd be tempted to say smaller plugins that do what we need. Of course there are several risks connected: the possibility that the development of the plugin stops, the possibility that at a certain point we will be using so many disconnected plugins that UI will become easier to handle (and maybe even smaller), the possibility that our users will want UI.)

Your opinion?

And just as a reminder:
 emanuele doesn't like and doesn't understand much of javascript. :P
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Re: Drag and drop and general approach to jQuery plugins

Reply #1

Drag 'n' drop is cool.

What I'd say though is that we took the jQuery UI route - you get more than just the sortable component without too much fuss - and you get something that while larger, it is better battle-hardened/tested and likely won't require you to do too much of your own support for it. It's not like you need to include it every page or anything, just the pages you need it in.

Re: Drag and drop and general approach to jQuery plugins

Reply #2

Another benefit to jQuery UI is that you can use its CDN.

Re: Drag and drop and general approach to jQuery plugins

Reply #3

html5sortable doesn't support nested lists, so it's not suitable ..
I'd go with jQuery UI, 'cause it's widely used, active developement, and we could probably use some of the other features, too.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Drag and drop and general approach to jQuery plugins

Reply #4

Yes, droppy good.
I'd tend to jQuery UI. It's actively developed, known, and the many small tools would be fine were they the best for the job, which doesn't seem to be the case of any.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Re: Drag and drop and general approach to jQuery plugins

Reply #5

Now we have jQuery UI, so this can go!
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