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Sub Accounts [Willing to Commission] Started by CritterCosmos · · Read 4291 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Sub Accounts [Willing to Commission]

I explained in my Intro Thread that my site is looking to move to Elkarte but our one big qualm is needing to transfer over our Sub-Accounts in some way from our SMF forum. Our forum is for a large part roleplay posts, and unlinking or losing the sub-account feature would pretty much uproot a lot of our site.

We're looking for someone who has already started on (I heard rumblings of this) or is willing to work on a sub-account mod or sub-account equivalent for us! We would be willing to compensate you with however you wish to be compensated (money... or... whatever else you work for, up to you)! If you have a rough idea of how much you'd like for a task like this, please don't hestitate to throw me an estimate to work with!

The add-on would have to offer the same basic things the SMF Mod does (i.e. mainly being able to switch between interlinked accounts through either a drop-down or some other method), and would need to be able to have our current linked accounts transfer over to Elkarte properly and utitlize it!

Thank you for your interest and your time!
A community of like-minded artists and writers!

Re: Sub Accounts [Willing to Commission]

Reply #1

It's a small world after all. I helped Feralfront implement that very same mod with extra integrations (trading accounts, moving money, etc (forgot the rest...). Had to tweak a few queries because such a large and busy site exposed inefficiencies. Learnt some SQL optimization tricks along the way. Was very stressful worrying and hoping that I would not screw up.

This was way back when (IIRC 2011, before the name change)
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: Sub Accounts [Willing to Commission]

Reply #2

Apologies if any of the stress was due to anything having to do with the administration at the time. CritterCosmos is less of a branching off of FeralFront and more of a... new site due to a lot of stress and disagreement between a majority of the long-term staff. We hold no affiliation with FF other than it being a common starting ground for many of us. I'm sure they would say the same.

We do miss a lot of the capabilities that it sounds like you created within the mod! Is it something you would consider doing again with the Elkarte software? It sounds like it wasn't much of a fun time, but if anyone knows what we want it sounds like it's you.  :D

I just saw the PM you sent me! I will discuss this with my fellow staffers and get back to you on it! Thank you!
A community of like-minded artists and writers!