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Changing the Layout Started by kazeem · · Read 4616 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Changing the Layout

Hello Great people.
Assuming i want to change the whole layout of my elkarte pages, create new customized pages and then call the functions inside the new pages, how can i go about it?

Re: Changing the Layout

Reply #1

Hello kazeem and welcome around. :)

Don't worry, people are around, there is no need to PM me for an answer, it's not that it makes me reply faster (even because I was re-building my computer, so I didn't have email access, so I didn't even see the PM until after I saw your post). ;)

As usual, on such open questions, the only meaningful answer is: should be possible, but how hard it could be depends on what means to you the description you gave us.

If you need "pages", SimplePortal could be an option.
If you want to remove the forum, then maybe a forum software could be a sub-optimal choice.
If you want to change the aspect of the forum, maybe you just want to create a new theme.

I'm not sure which one of those is the answer you are looking for. :)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Changing the Layout

Reply #2

Thanks @emanuele for your swift response.
Pardon me once again. What is simpleportal

Re: Changing the Layout

Reply #3

Welcome to Elkarte!

Simple Portal is an addon which adds a portal to your forum. You can find the addon here:
This addon allows you to add articles and pages to your forum.

You can see a demo on my forum (link into my profile) and also a simple page I created
sorry for my bad english

Re: Changing the Layout

Reply #4

Based on your pm, you are building a blog of which I think forum software is not really suitable.

But if you really wanna proceed with using a forum software and make your page look more like a portal, then, install Elk together with SimplePortal addon.

Elk theme is mainly css based and you can easily customize it. Some addons will also help you to improvise your forum.

We also have lots of ready themes contributed by the community of which you can try to use.

We also have "themers" of which I think you can hire for special customization.

Feel free to ask, if any directions you lost.