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tabs for unread posts and updated topics Started by TE · · Read 9857 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

tabs for unread posts and updated topics

I'm currently testing tabs for boardindex, unread posts and updated topics and would appreciated some feedback...

Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #1

Oh, first thought is that it's a refreshing look! But I'm a fan of tabs so doesn't count that much. (I'd like to have them play with too, to see how it feels using the forum)

There's something unusual about them. In a tabbed interface (IMHO), I'd expect the items to be related or of the same kind (categories, boards, pages, settings, etc), and perhaps even virtually extensible (in the sense that I can think of a next item on the list). I don't see the common element of board index, unread posts and updated topics?
Just a thought.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #2

you're probably right.. I've grouped these three in tabs, because I think that are the most common actions a regular user sh(w)ould do... ;D
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #3

Makes sense to me. Makes more sense than tabbed categories TBH. Although, I'm still a fan of having the unread shiz at the bottom of the page too, because it's often the next thing I want after reading a page.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

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Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #4

I really like the way that looks :)

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #5

Looks really interesting. :)

Will the unread and replied pages also have the same tabs? I assume they go to those pages and if they do that it would be a real treat.

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #6

Just thinking about this some more, the current Home button in the main menu leads to board index anyway, as does the standard linktree. Is there any point in having an additional tab that goes to the same place?

Also, come to think of it, perhaps it would also make sense for the first link in the linktree to say "Home" too, because that's the default word on the web that all mugs associate with the main page.

ETA: Ok, just thinking aloud here, if you'll excuse the lack of volume due to the text-based format :P, but carrying on from the (IMCO) uselessness of a board index tab.......... about enabling single category view as a standard feature, and having a tab that calls the list of categories? So, as a first idea, you could have Categories / Unread / Replies. Hitting the latter two obviously just takes you to those pages. Hitting the categories tab could call up a dropline that lists them all.

That may be useful. Mebbe.
Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 08:28:42 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #7

Quote from: Bloc – Will the unread and replied pages also have the same tabs? 
yep, that's the idea.. same tabs on all that sites, maybe unread posts and updated topics via ajax call.. It's currently just a quick working draft ..

Antechinus, you're right.. there are more than enough links pointing back to the board index (linktree, home, logo).. maybe "search" instead? Dunno, ...
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #8

Yes, but this is due to boardindex BEING the homepage. Now, if you had a separate homepage.. :) I still find this idea good as it is, its simple and intuitive and it groups together forum and unread pages. One could also argue that also search page have a place in it..but not so sure. 

Whats certain is that you are well on your way to split the main menu up in two "menus", I would find it naturally to remove these tab links from the main menu too then, at least in those pages.

EDIT: oh I realized, i was thinking of having actually unread/replies in the main menu, which is what I have done.

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #9

Ok, so then if you have a portal page as "home" then it makes sense to have something else linking to board index, but you usually have a "forum" tab for that, and said forum link will also be echoed in the ubiquitous linktrees. So, that's already three links to board index on most pages. Is another one required?

What if you are somewhere like profile or admin and you want to go back to the "forum"/board index, and there's no forum tab in the main menu? You'd have to use the linktree, which is not immediately obvious to some people (they think of it as a reminder rather than a tool). They expect major navigation stuff to be in the major navigation place. ;)
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #10

Yes. This was in regards to TE's concept, I opted for splitting the menu and making it a choice which ones should be "top" and "normal". I think more can be done to the menu..but the tabs are nice as a quick navigation. That said, the menus could really exist on their own regardless of what the boardindex looks like.

Linktree too is a separate entity meant to go linear from a place to you can't compare that in with whats in the menu, which is a shortcut container really. True, the menu highlights, so it also acts as a location beacon..but it can't always do that for subpages - which is where linktree comes in.

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #11

I'm not sure people expect anything more than what you give them...
If they expect something different I tend to thing the UI has presentation problems and should be fixed.

What I'm trying to say is that the menu is a SMF invention (of sort).
phpBB doesn't have a menu, the only way to come back is the linktree or the logo.
And it is used and people don't stay in the admin panel because they don't have a menu.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #12

Well..if you want to play it safe you just copy as much as possible from the big guys. :D People don't know what they want - they see a new thing, complain, and end up with never letting go of it once they are used to it(unless its totally useless in the first place). All the default SMF themes for example, was met with "ugh", but ended up being accepted and even preferred.

Being innovative means taking a few risks IMO.

Re: tabs for unread posts and updated topics

Reply #13

Or topic/board notifications? Cross-ref...

Topic notifications are already listing the topics, it's just that they're listed in the area meant for settings. New topics are not listed (board notifications), and I'm not sure if it's useful. Not sure about the last because the user is already in the boards, doing stuff, and probably will see easily anyway new topics. Dunno.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.