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RSS Feed Poster Started by vbgamer45 · · Read 18514 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

RSS Feed Poster

RSS Feed Poster

Addon Information:
For Elkarte 1.1.x and 1.0.x

Allows you to add RSS Feed Posting Bots to your forum.
Has a built in scheduled task that you can run or can either use a real cron job
Using the following file

Or you can run fake cron jobs via php

Allows multiple posting bots
Set Poster Name Or Member Id for the bot
Topic Prefix option
Option to lock topics
Option to enable/disable html in the feed post
Set the update time in minutes
Set how many items to get from the feed
Choose the forum for the feeds.
No duplicate posts. Posts are hashed and stored as a hash.

Big thanks to emanuele for the  HTML BBCode tag used in this mod.

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #1

I like this! :)

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #2

Hey @vbgamer45 it seems after install on a vanilla forum it looks to godo feedsadmin and then just seems to leave you on the admin panel homepage?

Doesn't seem to have added the interfact on my install. It didn't complain about any tests failing either.

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #3

On Elk 1.0.x?
It should add a menu in the admin area under Configuration called RSS Feed Poster Configuration

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #4

Yeah 1.0.x

Had a little more time to debug. Package info.xml is missing an instruction to copy over feedposter.integrate.php to sources. It's in the package but not in the xml.

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #5

Fixed thanks  Trekkie101
If anyone downloaded it before this post download the new version now.

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #6

Updated for Elkarte 1.1.x

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #7

+Https images now supported with the embed images option
+Added support for https feeds when using the fsockopen method
+Curl support improved for https feeds

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #8

1st of all: many thanks for this addon, I use it several years on two SMF forums and now in ElkArte.

Alas the same error is also in this version: the rss-items are not counted for the posting member. After digging through the module source I found out: the "board"-info count field is 0 when postings are counted and 1 if this option is deactivated.

Changing that was a snap but should be done from the beginning  ;)

And a suggestion: Please make the downloadcount limits configurable (best on a per feed basis) for the user instead of the hardcoded limit ( > 50 = 25)

Last Edit: January 31, 2019, 04:32:42 pm by mgrde
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Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #9

If you do a recount from the maintenance section, it fixes this I believe in the meantime?

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #10

Not really. The feedposter file interprets the value for count postings as 1 for count posting whereas in the database is a zero for count posting. A small modification in feedposter.php corrects this "bad behaviour". If you have some RSS feeds the continuous use of recount is really annoing.

BTW: I did the source modification in my forum but with any update of RSS-Poster I have to do it again :(
no signature yet

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #11

Can you post your change file want to see what was changed.

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #12

Here we go:

Code: ("RSS.subs line 382") [Select]
								if ($feed['count_posts'] == 1) // mgr
$updatePostCount = 0;
[1]   :D

Code: ("RSS.subs line 863") [Select]
								if ($feed['count_posts'] == 1)   // mgr
$updatePostCount = 0;
Just a small suggestion for ElkArte
Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 10:35:21 am by Spuds
no signature yet

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #13

@Spuds, @emanuele, should default rss file be updated to this as well?

Re: RSS Feed Poster

Reply #14

I'm not sure what I would change, but then I'm not sure I understand why the problem is occurring. 

Setting the $posterOptions array key 'update_post_count'  to a non empty value should increase that posters post count when they make the post (unless its on a board that does not count posts).    So I don't know why changing it to 0 seems to work?

(PS I tweaked the format of your post so it rendered properly, footnotes inside of a code block do not render)