Playing around and wanted to see how folks feel about using a different skin for when code blocks are used. Right now (when the option is enabled) we use just a default skin, but its rather bland IMO. So as a test:
* This, as you have probably guessed, is the crux for all functions.
* Everything should start here, so all the setup and security is done
* properly.
* @name ElkArte Forum
* @copyright ElkArte Forum contributors
* @license BSD
* This software is a derived product, based on:
* Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
* copyright: 2011 Simple Machines (
* license: BSD, See included LICENSE.TXT for terms and conditions.
* @version 1.0.9
$forum_version = 'ElkArte 1.0.9';
define('FORUM_VERSION', $forum_version);
// First things first, but not necessarily in that order.
define('ELK', 1);
// Shortcut for the browser cache stale
define('CACHE_STALE', '?109');
if (function_exists('set_magic_quotes_runtime'))
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
$time_start = microtime(true);
// Turn on output buffering.
// We don't need no globals.
foreach (array('db_character_set', 'cachedir') as $variable)
if (isset($GLOBALS[$variable]))
unset($GLOBALS[$variable], $GLOBALS[$variable]);
// Ready to load the site settings.
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Settings.php');
// Directional only script time usage for display
if (!empty($db_show_debug) && function_exists('getrusage'))
$rusage_start = getrusage();
// Make sure the paths are correct... at least try to fix them.
if (!file_exists($boarddir) && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/agreement.txt'))
$boarddir = dirname(__FILE__);
if (!file_exists($sourcedir . '/SiteDispatcher.class.php') && file_exists($boarddir . '/sources'))
$sourcedir = $boarddir . '/sources';
// Check that directories which didn't exist in past releases are initialized.
if ((empty($cachedir) || !file_exists($cachedir)) && file_exists($boarddir . '/cache'))
$cachedir = $boarddir . '/cache';
if ((empty($extdir) || !file_exists($extdir)) && file_exists($sourcedir . '/ext'))
$extdir = $sourcedir . '/ext';
if ((empty($languagedir) || !file_exists($languagedir)) && file_exists($boarddir . '/themes/default/languages'))
$languagedir = $boarddir . '/themes/default/languages';
// Time to forget about variables and go with constants!
DEFINE('BOARDDIR', $boarddir);
DEFINE('CACHEDIR', $cachedir);
DEFINE('EXTDIR', $extdir);
DEFINE('LANGUAGEDIR', $languagedir);
DEFINE('SOURCEDIR', $sourcedir);
DEFINE('ADMINDIR', $sourcedir . '/admin');
DEFINE('CONTROLLERDIR', $sourcedir . '/controllers');
DEFINE('SUBSDIR', $sourcedir . '/subs');
unset($boarddir, $cachedir, $sourcedir, $languagedir, $extdir);
// Files we cannot live without.
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/QueryString.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/Session.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/Subs.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/Errors.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/Logging.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/Load.php');
require_once(SUBSDIR . '/Cache.subs.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/Security.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/BrowserDetector.class.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/ErrorContext.class.php');
require_once(SUBSDIR . '/Util.class.php');
require_once(SUBSDIR . '/TemplateLayers.class.php');
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/Action.controller.php');
// Forum in extended maintenance mode? Our trip ends here with a bland message.
if (!empty($maintenance) && $maintenance == 2)
// Clean the request.
// Initiate the database connection and define some database functions to use.
// It's time for settings loaded from the database.
// Our good ole' contextual array, which will hold everything
$context = array();
// Seed the random generator.
// Before we get carried away, are we doing a scheduled task? If so save CPU cycles by jumping out!
if (isset($_GET['scheduled']))
require_once(CONTROLLERDIR . '/ScheduledTasks.controller.php');
$controller = new ScheduledTasks_Controller();
// Check if compressed output is enabled, supported, and not already being done.
if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput']) && !headers_sent())
// If zlib is being used, turn off output compression.
if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression') >= 1 || ini_get('output_handler') == 'ob_gzhandler')
$modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'] = 0;
// Register an error handler.
// Start the session. (assuming it hasn't already been.)
// Restore post data if we are revalidating OpenID.
if (isset($_GET['openid_restore_post']) && !empty($_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['openid_restore_post']]['post']) && empty($_POST))
$_POST = $_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['openid_restore_post']]['post'];
// Pre-dispatch
// Call obExit specially; we're coming from the main area ;).
obExit(null, null, true);
* The main dispatcher.
* This delegates to each area.
function elk_main()
global $modSettings, $user_info, $topic, $board_info, $context;
// Special case: session keep-alive, output a transparent pixel.
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'keepalive')
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
// We should set our security headers now.
// Load the user's cookie (or set as guest) and load their settings.
// Load the current board's information.
// Load the current user's permissions.
// Load BadBehavior before we go much further
// Attachments don't require the entire theme to be loaded.
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'dlattach' && (!empty($modSettings['allow_guestAccess']) && $user_info['is_guest']))
// Load the current theme. (note that ?theme=1 will also work, may be used for guest theming.)
// Check if the user should be disallowed access.
// If we are in a topic and don't have permission to approve it then duck out now.
if (!empty($topic) && empty($board_info['cur_topic_approved']) && !allowedTo('approve_posts') && ($user_info['id'] != $board_info['cur_topic_starter'] || $user_info['is_guest']))
fatal_lang_error('not_a_topic', false);
$no_stat_actions = array('dlattach', 'findmember', 'jsoption', 'requestmembers', 'jslocale', 'xmlpreview', 'suggest', '.xml', 'xmlhttp', 'verificationcode', 'viewquery', 'viewadminfile');
call_integration_hook('integrate_pre_log_stats', array(&$no_stat_actions));
// Do some logging, unless this is an attachment, avatar, toggle of editor buttons, theme option, XML feed etc.
if (empty($_REQUEST['action']) || !in_array($_REQUEST['action'], $no_stat_actions))
// I see you!
// Track forum statistics and hits...?
if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats']))
trackStats(array('hits' => '+'));
// What shall we do?
require_once(SOURCEDIR . '/SiteDispatcher.class.php');
$dispatcher = new Site_Dispatcher();
// Show where we came from, and go
$context['site_action'] = $dispatcher->site_action();
$context['site_action'] = !empty($context['site_action']) ? $context['site_action'] : (isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '');
What do you think about a style like that