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Rename topic Started by Jorin · · Read 2322 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Rename topic

I really wish there would be a better way to rename a topic (and all posts within) then this:

1. Move the topic somewhere.
2. Rename topic and all posts while moving!
3. Pay attention that you don't post a message about the moving of the topic!
4. Go to the moved topic.
5. Move it back where it was.
6. Pay attention that you don't post a message about the moving of the topic!

Can there be a simple "rename topic and all posts within" feature please?  O:-)

Or maybe there is already? I know I can rename the first posts of a topic, but not all posts, right?

Re: Rename topic

Reply #1

I would like to have such a feature, too, Jorin.

I am used to do it the same way, as you.... ::)

 ;) Maybe this could be an alternative way:

1. Wait until everybody is sleeping, except you
2. Create a new topic with one post and with the new topicname
3. Merge the two topics and choose the new topicname for all of the posts
4. Delete your last post now

Just a joke! ;)

Re: Rename topic

Reply #2

I think you can rename it (all posts title) if you move it but I am not so sure until I tested it.

Re: Rename topic

Reply #3

As described above.  :D