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More recent topics Started by Jorin · · Read 1705 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

More recent topics

I use this addon to change from recent posts to recent topics. Works great.

My users asked if more then the actual 15 recent topics can be listet. Sure they can. But I have something different in mind:

Is there a chance to get a working link or something like that for the menu which shows a endless list of recent topics sorted by date of the last post?

Re: More recent topics

Reply #1

You don't need this addon with 1.1.1, Jorin, as I believe:

In the admin-panel you can choose, if you want to show recent posts or recent topics in the infocenter,
And the number of posts/topics is not limited.

Re: More recent topics

Reply #2

Interesting. I didn't know this is possible with 1.1.1. But I don't want to show more then 15 topics, I need a page/list/action with all recent topics at a glance.

Re: More recent topics

Reply #3

I see...this is nearly the only reason, why we are using a portal. ;)

Maybe you can use the code Spuds had written for a php custom portal block "recent topics" and integrate something like this on your frontpage?

Re: More recent topics

Reply #4

But I don't want it on my front page, I want a link to click on in my menu showing a list of all recent topics.  ;)


Re: More recent topics

Reply #5

The dropdown is not impossible, I did something with the alerts some times ago (I have no idea where I put it).
What I've seen with the alerts is that the hover is not the best way to open such a menu. At least, to me this kind of interaction requires a "click", because the loading is for sure not immediate and if the user casually hovers the menu may not realize he set in motion a request and this request takes time to complete.
Though is you go for the click, this may change the default behaviour of the menu in general (by default is hover-to-show) and so confuse the users that have to click on this single menu to see something.

The simplest solution could just be another button "somewhere" that shows the list of new items when clicked.
On the other hand, at some point, considering the speed up of everything and the increasing amount of resources available even on basic plans, it may be worth consider even less interaction from the user and have something like the favicon counter and the desktop alerts that are time-based "AJAX" (using JSON and not xml, but that's life) calls probing every few seconds the server in order to see what's going on and if there is any new topic show it in some popover or something...
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