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Forumposts in alternating backgrounds? Started by Ruth · · Read 1506 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Forumposts in alternating backgrounds?

Good old windowbg2 has gone :'(  and I am really sad about this. ;)

Is there a possibility to get every second forumpost with an alternating background-color?

Re: Forumposts in alternating backgrounds?

Reply #1

You can have a quick look at the besocial styles:
Code: [Select]
.forumposts:nth-of-type(even) {
    margin-top: 2px;
    background: #fcfcfc;
.forumposts:nth-of-type(odd) {
    margin-top: 2px;
    background: #f6f6f6;

windowbg2 is finally gone, you should not be sad, but happy!
Now if you want, you can even do things like that:
Code: [Select]
.forumposts:nth-of-type(3n+0) {
    background: black;
.forumposts:nth-of-type(3n+1) {
    background: red;
.forumposts:nth-of-type(3n+2) {
    background: green;
You have much, much more control over the style, and much more freedom to do whatever you want than before!
Be happy about the departure of windowbg2, not sad! ;D

I'm not sure anyone would see something like the attachment on any forum, but... who cares! :P

Re: Forumposts in alternating backgrounds?

Reply #2

Thank you very much, Emanuele, I will try with those two possibilities. I never had a look again in besocial since a few years. O:-)

Yes, I will try to be happy about 1.1.1. For example I like those inline-attachments very much, it is a splendid feature! :)

But I am really struggling ::) at the moment with my "old" custom.css...and specially with those new svg-icons (I don't like them at all) :P  I have tried something with "sprites" and the content, but I am too stupid for such things, to get them completly working.

The new coding of the css-files in 1.1.1 seems nearly perfect to me for people, which want to do only a few changes in those files, it is now very simple and quick to do. And for people with a good knowlede about coding and customizing the new version may also be much better than before, more possibilities, etc, as you said.

It is just a "pain" (not really a pain, I don't know a better word) for people like me, because I know nearly nothing about all this "technical stuff", but I always want to change a lot. ;)  And our members and my team always want, that our forum looks nearly the same as in the last 12 years. So sometimes it is not easy for me, to deal with new things and it takes me a lot of time to make such changes in the files.

Your screenshot is awful!  ;D
Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 05:44:08 pm by Ruth

Re: Forumposts in alternating backgrounds?

Reply #3

Well, it's not that I'm that good with css... on the contrary. xD

In theory the css has been streamlined and simplified and made more consistent, of course it is a pita catch up from 1.0, no doubts (even more for me considering I don't know what has changed lol).
In an ideal world 1.1 would have been compatible with 1.0, unfortunately we are still far from an ideal world...
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Forumposts in alternating backgrounds?

Reply #4

This was really helpfull for me, Emanuele, thank you. I tried since yesterday without result. ;)

I took the first example, had to play a little with the box-shadows at the generalinfo and at the header, but now everything is "straight in one line" and is looking nice.