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Topic Tags Bug? Started by Auctor Lucan · · Read 2833 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Topic Tags Bug?

Hi there! :)

I tried to install the Topic Tags addon today, but for some reason, it didn't seem like I was able to add any topic tags. Therefore, I decided to try and uninstall the addon, and I got this message (see attachment).

Could someone help me either get the topic tags addon to work, or help me uninstall it?

Thank in advance!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #1

Did you install the add-on on elkarte 1.0 or 1.1?
sorry for my bad english

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #2

I have not dared upgrade from 10.9!  :D

If someone could help me make the addon work on my 10.9 version I would be really happy. Right now, it is installed but the feature is nowhere to be found on the forum.
Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 05:56:05 am by Auctor Lucan

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #3

I am not using this add-on, but I just did a test on localhost and a clean install of elkarte 1.0.10.
I think you downloaded the file from here
It seems that this version is not working properly. There are no tags to insert and no options in ACP. When I try to uninstall I get the same errors as you. At this point you can continue with the uninstall process then delete manually these 2 files:
You may also find a folder called $themedir in the root of your forum, you can also delete it.
Go to ACP > Package Manager > Browse Packages and delete the tags package

The latest version of this addon should be this: 
but is still not working properly. I'll do more test and let you know. strange is that in the past I tested this addon on a test forum and worked fine.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #4

Thank you so much for looking into this! :)

I'll do as you say and uninstall it the unconventional way according to your steps, and hope that this addon can be updated and work again, :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #5

You are welcome. I think the only error is in the xml file since doesn't install and uninstall correctly. As soon as I get to my pc I'll do some tests and let you know.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #6

Awesome, thank you! :)

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #7

I did some tests, I corrected the paths into package-info.xml but without success

Code: [Select]
		<require-file name="Tags.controller.php" destination="CONTROLLERDIR" />
<require-file name="Tags.subs.php" destination="SUBSDIR" />
<require-file name="Tags.template.php" destination="$themedir" />
<require-file name="Tags.english.php" destination="$languagedir" />
<require-file name="tags.css" destination="$themedir/css" />
<require-file name="tags.js" destination="$themedir/script" />
should be
Code: [Select]
<require-file name="Tags.controller.php" destination="CONTROLLERDIR" />
<require-file name="Tags.subs.php" destination="SUBSDIR" />
<require-file name="Tags.template.php" destination="THEMEDIR" />
<require-file name="Tags.english.php" destination="LANGUAGEDIR/english" />
<require-file name="tags.css" destination="THEMEDIR/css" />
<require-file name="tags.js" destination="THEMEDIR/scripts" />

same paths should be applied to uninstall, but the problem is this:
Code: [Select]
		<hook hook="integrate_mark_read_button" file="SOURCEDIR/subs/TabularCategories.subs.php" function="tabular_categories" />
which has nothing to do with this addon and I have no idea how to integrate the hooks from this add-on.
Anyway Emanuele mentioned that this version is not developed anymore:
Quote from: emanuele – ohhh... now I remember: there are two versions, one is with "classic" tags (i.e. the admin defines them and users can pick the tags from a list, the other is an "hashtag" version.
I stopped developing the first one because I was integrating both into the hashtag version.
By memory I can't tell what was the state of the addon, I have to test it.

At this point let's hope that @emanuele will have soon a working internet connection and find the time to fix this add-on.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #8

Ahh, okay. Well, thank you again for delving into this and finding the answer. I will have to get by without the addon then. Much obliged!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan


Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #9

Yeah... I hope to have it back at some point.
Tomorrow it's one week since I first reported and yesterday I was able to speak with a person and they said they didn't have any report on the problem...
 emanuele needs the facepalm emoticon. facepalm
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Topic Tags Bug?

Reply #10

BTW which version did you try to install? (Provided I'm pretty sure both are broken.)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.