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WTH? Are they forcing me to use a gravatar? Started by emanuele · · Read 7468 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

WTH? Are they forcing me to use a gravatar?


Why github put this terrible avatar on me?

 emanuele doesn't like it!! :'(
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Re: WTH? Are they forcing me to use a gravatar?

Reply #1

It's generated automatically if you don't actually configure one yourself.

 Arantor adds to the list of why Github sucks.


Re: WTH? Are they forcing me to use a gravatar?

Reply #2

At least mine wouldn't have looked that bad:

Re: WTH? Are they forcing me to use a gravatar?

Reply #3

Yes, at least your looks like a face (a bit sad but okay).

Quote from: Arantor – It's generated automatically if you don't actually configure one yourself.
But "in the past" (couple of days...) it was the same for everyone and was "nice" (well, at least not odd), but now... meh...
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