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Some english translations should be reviewed Started by radu81 · · Read 2691 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Some english translations should be reviewed

Just discovered this into index.english.php
Code: [Select]
$txt['mention'] = 'Notifications';
$txt['notifications'] = 'Notifications';

I think should be:
Code: [Select]
$txt['mention'] = 'Notifications';
$txt['notifications'] = 'Notifications and email';

The first one is used in the top menu, while the second in Modify Profile > Notifications and email
In italian version on transifex they were both translated as "notifications and email". (corrected)

I will update this topic if I'll find other duplicates or translations that should be reviewed.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Some english translations should be reviewed

Reply #1

Nitpicking: technically, the email is a way to receive a notification. :P
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Re: Some english translations should be reviewed

Reply #2

You are right, but let's keep things simple ;)

Found another one: in LikePosts.english.php the phrases are splited and it's difficult/impossible to translate in other languages. Why not use the jolly phrases (%1 ) like in the other language files?

like_post_users_who_liked: users who liked this post
So on the forum it will be: 10 users who liked this post
but in italian I have to translate it like: " A 10 utenti piace questo post"

and if I'am not wrong there are other splited phrases.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Some english translations should be reviewed

Reply #3

I second this wish!  ;)

Such things are always very difficult if not impossible to translate.

Re: Some english translations should be reviewed

Reply #4

Quote from: radu81 – ...and if I'am not wrong there are other splited phrases.

Yes, there are some more....

I had a few problems too by translating the LikeStats.english.php into German.  It was difficult, but possible to find solutions for them. The english syntax is a little closer to the german syntax as to the italian syntax, as I believe.

But the english grammar is very often completly different to the german grammar, so splitted phrases in that file or some "shared strings" of single words in the portal language files were very difficult to translate proper.

It would sound just horrible if the grammar is wrong. ;)

Translation would be much easier without such strings.
Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 03:11:04 pm by Ruth


Re: Some english translations should be reviewed

Reply #5

Quote from: radu81 – You are right, but let's keep things simple ;)
I know I'm going to become the pedantic one, though...

If you specify "Notifications and emails", then:
QuoteTurn topic notification on when you post or reply to a topic.
becomes misleading (since this is not technically what you are defining as "notification" but is just an email).
same for
QuoteFor topics and boards I've requested notification on, notify me
QuoteNotify me of topics and boards I've requested notification on
And the same goes for almost anything else in the page below that line.

Sure, even now is not that clear what the meaning is. But we can always nitpick on the definition of "notification". With your proposal the scape goat dies and IMO everything should be clarified. ;) O:-)
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Quote from: radu81 – Why not use the jolly phrases (%1 ) like in the other language files?
Should I really answer? :P
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Re: Some english translations should be reviewed

Reply #6

But there is also Receive forum newsletters, announcements and important notifications by email which is delivered only by e-mail. ;)

I'll have a look at LikesPosts.english.php, I think there are other splitted phrases.
sorry for my bad english