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PHP version reporting incorrectly... Started by thesohogeek · · Read 5134 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #15

Why are you running upgrade.php? It should be install.php if you're installing a new forum.

I am only going on GitHub and looking at the code btw, I didn't write this software just trying to assist.

Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #16

As far as I can see the installer runs and then goes straight on to upgrade.php - it does seem odd that the latest version requires an immediate upgrade and I suspect this is root of the problem, and nothing to do with db privileges or even php versions! I'm playing with setting up a clean install on a D8 droplet at digital ocean. If that hits the same issues we're in trouble. But if I get a clean install there then I'll use that to try and figure out what's different about our container environment! Very many thanks for your help - you've got me on the right track I hope...

Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #17

Ok, I was curious and tries a fresh install, I can confirm I get the same error as you do.

I'll get back to you with the fix!

Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #18

It's the ALTER command itself which is failing.


Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #19

Can you replace your upgrade.php with the attached please?

Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #20

You go to the upgrade because you did not delete the install directory when the installer told you so.
So, just get rid of the directory and live happy! :D
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Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #21

Quote from: thesohogeek – I was using Github master, but I'm now downloading this version 1.1.4 and will let you know what happens...
Then you were probably downloading development that has minimum version 7.something, do note the "default branch" at github is development and not master.
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Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #22

Quote from: emanuele – You go to the upgrade because you did not delete the install directory when the installer told you so.
So, just get rid of the directory and live happy! :D

I removed that first time and it complained upgrade.php wasn’t there due to your policy dB changes

The bug I raised on GitHub is still valid I believe.

Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #23

The bug open at github if I understand it correctly is about upgrade.php, but if you delete the install directory you delete every thing including upgrade.php.
Unless I misunderstood the report.
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Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #24

Quote from: emanuele – The bug open at github if I understand it correctly is about upgrade.php, but if you delete the install directory you delete every thing including upgrade.php.
Unless I misunderstood the report.

If I do that I get what is in the attached image, everytime I try to access the forum.

I change the url to and it redirects to

Ok so it removes the contents of the install directory but not the directory itself, this is what causes the issue.

Although I think the db query call should be changed also. So I would say there are two bugs.

Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #25

The test is on the directory, so it is not a bug per se, but the intended behaviour. We can discuss is there is a more appropriate.
The query is indeed a bug.
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Re: PHP version reporting incorrectly...

Reply #26

Quote from: emanuele – The test is on the directory, so it is not a bug per se, but the intended behaviour.

The issue with this is that on my install ticking the button to remove the install files ( in the final step ) does not remove the install directory, this means it tries to load upgrade.php, which is no longer there as I removed it.

If I manually remove the install directory all is well. I don't think this is user friendly.