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importing data Started by brianelk · · Read 1759 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

importing data

I have a failed phpbb forum and have replaced it with ElkArte and am very pleased with it.

However my users are insisting on access the old data for reference as there is a lot of useful information there. I tried to use OpenImporter but it crashes as I believe it needs the old phpbb forum to be working to access the mysql data?

QuoteSorry, the database connection information used in the specified installation of your forum cannot access the installation of phpBB3. This may either mean that the installation doesn't exist, or that the MySQL account used does not have permissions to access it.

The error MySQL gave was: Incorrect database name '''
error_line 351
error_file /home/*****/dir/importer/OpenImporter/Importer.php

So. Is there any other way of either importing the old data or otherwise accessing it. Even a relational database would be acceptable as it is only for read-only reference access. But I'm not well up on database mangers since I stopped using Microsft Acess decades ago!

I know you guys love a challenge! LOL.

Re: importing data

Reply #1

Do you intend to import the old data into the new forum?
Because OI would delete everything before importing.
Let's see what are the requirements, it's not impossible.
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Re: importing data

Reply #2

Well once transferred to the temporary elkarte dabase it shouldn't be hard to append to the exist live data should it?


Re: importing data

Reply #3

Nope, that could be the hardest part, because you will have conflicting keys. ;)
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Re: importing data

Reply #4

It is better to install phpbb in with the old database installed in it. Then install a fresh copy of elkarte in and use importer to import the phpbb posts from

Re: importing data

Reply #5

Okay, now I'm in front of a computer and I realized this is a sort of the same question coming from so, if you don't mind, I'd close this one and ask you to continue only in the other topic.
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