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Account deletion Started by fritzelly · · Read 1293 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Account deletion

Just a quick question - if someone asks for their account to be deleted how does that affect their posts
Not entirely sure how GDPR comes into play here

Re: Account deletion

Reply #1

Does not affect their post, they will remain.
sorry for my bad english


Re: Account deletion

Reply #2

Well... it depends how the account is deleted: you can decide to remove them or not (usually).
If left, the posts will keep the nick on the poster.
The GDPR comes into play by the fact an IP address is also associated to the posts. But, as long as you define in your privacy policy how you intend to deal with this information (e.g. it will be kept as long as the post remains in place or for at least... a certain amount of years, let's say 10 for example), then there should not be much problems.
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