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In-line translations? Started by SparWeb · · Read 11765 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

In-line translations?


I am considering using ElkArte as a tool to encourage discussion between different branches of the company where I work.  We have recently been bought by a company in China, and they are eager to set up a knowledge exchange.  We do actually want to help, but flying our personnel overseas is very expensive.

My proposed discussion board would be simple, private only to members, and ideally allow all users to read all posts and menus in their native language (English and Chinese Simplified).  The translation would be accomplished by clicking a button on the menu bar which would translate the page contents.  I expect I would need a google-translate add-on.  I can see the CN-S language pack in ElkArte, but not a translation add-on.

There are signs this is possible in Simple Machines Forum but I'd like to know if ElkArte is an alternative.

Thank you!

Re: In-line translations?

Reply #1

It's very much possible though I think an addon need to converted / created for that purpose.

Re: In-line translations?

Reply #2

There are chrome extensions which add a "translate this page" button to the browser toolbar.

Re: In-line translations?

Reply #3

Thank you everyone.
I have also been experimenting with the Google Chrome extension and it looks promising too.