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any chance of getting an importer for vanilla? Started by brenwa · · Read 23246 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

I have a site set up with vanilla 2.5 and its still pretty small...but vanillas limitations are starting to show

I have been looking at alternative forums and really like what Im seeing here, but
I do need to be able to import my posts and users

any thoughts suggestions?

thanks :)

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #1

Hi and welcome to elkarte! 
Have you tried to migrate first to smf then to elkarte? If so what problems did you had? 
sorry for my bad english

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #2


Actually my first choice was smf, and the importer they have for vanilla does not work, I posted on their forum about it and someone provided an alternative version and it did not work either it just hung.

The documentation they provide for migrating is very poor, looking at the smf info it looks very simple easy and straightforward, but in reality it is not

At that point no-one was responding to my post and I could not get any assistance at all... I was dead in the water so I began looking for another alternative and that is how I arrived here.

So... you can see how that is not really an option but in theory a great idea :)

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #3

I can't help you with an importer from Vanilla to Elkarte, I'm not a coder, just a simple forum admin. I don't know if there are any plans to add Vanilla to Open Importer, I guess @emanuele‍ can answer this question.

I saw your topic on smf forums, but you did not provide information that can help developers understand what problems did you have. Try posting the errors you got into your php error log. I also saw that someone was able to import from Vanilla to SMF, so the importer should work.
sorry for my bad english

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #4

Sometimes you may need to port elsewhere before re-porting from there to ElkArte. Just a thought.

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #5

I looked in to the script. It was built using mysql so anything before php7 it doesn't like working with mysqli as I found out. There are also errors with using mktime and I'm getting wrong datatype errors also.

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #6

Try the attached file to convert to SMF. I needed to recount the boards etc after it was converted.

Also make sure your admin account isn't the same username as the one on SMF as it changes the password and locked me out. I think everyone will have to reset their password to login.

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #7

maybe: vanilla -> phpbb -> elkarte
Sorry for my English

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #8

The converters and upgrader are a mess on SMF sadly.  I still can't forget the SMF 2.0.14 update that broke old PHP versions. Should have been patched/rolled back.

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #9


I appreciate the help, I thought I would be notified of replies but I guess not (just saw this)  I did download and try the converter but I keep getting the following error message :

Sorry, the database connection information used in the specified installation of SMF cannot access the installation of Vanilla2. This may either mean that the installation doesn't exist, or that the Database account used does not have permissions to access it.  The error that was received from the Database was:   (there is none)

the install directory is correct for both and the db password is correct

Quote from: tino – Try the attached file to convert to SMF. I needed to recount the boards etc after it was converted.

Also make sure your admin account isn't the same username as the one on SMF as it changes the password and locked me out. I think everyone will have to reset their password to login.

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #10

Try to use the same database for vanilla and smf with different prefixes
sorry for my bad english

Re: any chance of getting an importer for vanilla?

Reply #11

I had to set the database user to have access to both databases. Didn’t try it with the different prefix in the same database.

It converted a default install of vanilla across ok.