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Scrolling pages (along with expand) Started by emanuele · · Read 8451 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Scrolling pages (along with expand)

This is something I had in mind since a while:

See attachment for image.
Instead of expanding the "..." when hovering, a small "popup" opens with all the pages, clicking on the < and > will scroll the pages left and right allowing to select the one you want.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't work very well when many (many) pages are there, but... IMHO is 8) :P

Do we want it? :P

ETA: I didn't work much on the presentation, just the minimum in order to make it work. ;)
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Re: Scrolling pages (along with expand)

Reply #1


Re: Scrolling pages (along with expand)

Reply #3

Is it keyboard accessible? That;'s something that needed to be fixed with the current setup.

ETA: Just thinking about your thing there, it's kinda cool but IMO would probably be better if arranged so that the < and > scrolling wotsits were always in the same place. Having to hunt for them when there are a lot of pages could be a bit of a nuisance.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

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Re: Scrolling pages (along with expand)

Reply #4

Not perfectly, but a bit yes:
if js is enabled with the above commit it can be reached using the keyboard (scrolling doesn't work though, but expand is).

ETA: forgot to answer your ETA... lol
Quote from: Antechinus – ETA: Just thinking about your thing there, it's kinda cool but IMO would probably be better if arranged so that the < and > scrolling wotsits were always in the same place. Having to hunt for them when there are a lot of pages could be a bit of a nuisance.
What you mean? ???
There is a box and the two < and > are position: absolute left and right of the box.
The box is fixed width (it contains about 5 pages + the two indicators) and only the pages scroll.
Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 06:19:09 pm by emanuele
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Re: Scrolling pages (along with expand)

Reply #5

Oh ok. Sounds good then.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Scrolling pages (along with expand)

Reply #6

For the sake of touch screens, there should be no hover effects. Should be onclick.

Re: Scrolling pages (along with expand)

Reply #7

Well, for the moment is hover, but I suppose it can be modified to use the user's choice in the profile related to menus (in respect to the hover/click).
And probably it can be modified to use superfish, but I'm not that good with js... O:-)
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Re: Scrolling pages (along with expand)

Reply #8

Oh well, the idea is in the main repo, so the rest are bug fixes. :P
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