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Upgrading from 1.0.7 Started by moixa · · Read 8618 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Upgrading from 1.0.7

Hi all,

I am going to take over responsibility for a forum that's running on 1.0.7 (don't ask..). Now, I am unsure about the right upgrade procedure. Apply all versions in sequence? Or would applying the newest be good enough?

Regards, Tobias

Re: Upgrading from 1.0.7

Reply #1

OK I will not ask, but ugh!

Download the install package from:

Starting from 1.1 the install and upgrade packages were unified, so the same package will be used for both install a new forum and upgrade an existing previous version of ElkArte (e.g. 1.0).

Some basic instruction
  • Backup the site and the database, no excuses
  • Put the site in maintenance mode
  • Uninstall any addons/packages you have.  Uninstall just the packages, leave the database data.
  • If using a custom theme, set the site back to the default theme
  • Upgrading from 1.0: Overwrite all the existing site files with those in the package.
  • Run install/upgrade.php by pointing your browser to the site, it should bring up the upgrade screen automatically, but if not, point it to install/upgrade.php
  • Follow the update steps
  • Delete any old files left behind by the upgrade, I think that is only Markasread.controller.php from the /sources/controllers/ directory. But do not delete Markread.controller.php
  • Admin Login
  • Upload new versions of the packages you have, and install them
  • Try the old theme, see if there may be an update, if not prepare to do some work to get it fully compatible. I would just allow the old theme as user selectable but not the site default until you know it works.
  • Check / Update your custom profile fields as the 1.0 to 1.1 will need some tweaks
  • Take it out of maintenance mode

That should get you going in the right direction ... Ask if you have problems with the steps.
Last Edit: October 21, 2022, 02:16:24 pm by Spuds