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Bloody MS desktop apps and their pestilential "smart quotes"! Started by Antechinus · · Read 8869 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Bloody MS desktop apps and their pestilential "smart quotes"!

One thing that should be on the hit list for any new release is a bulletproof way of handling copy/pastes from MS office apps.

Yes, I know they're stupid pieces of crap and nobody in their right mind would use them, but lots of people do use them and we can't stop them.

We need back end coding that searches for such BS upon submissions, and does a replace with something W3 has heard of. This would be very cool.

ETA: Not just "dumb quotes" but other crap too, like long hyphens, etc.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Bloody MS desktop apps and their pestilential "smart quotes"!

Reply #1

Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Bloody MS desktop apps and their pestilential "smart quotes"!

Reply #2

Here are some of the MS “smart” tags for testing.

Some of these we convert (since 2.1) , some we do not … Right now we really only look for the ones that happen by shear “MS magic“tm while typing and not the ones that you can insert in place. But we could convert all of these if really desired!

«» people really like the old lsquo and rsquo
€ Euro symbol
‚ a single low 9 quotation mark (converted)
ƒ who uses this
„ a double low 9 quote ola (converted)
… dot dot dot (converted)
† dagger
‡ double dagger
ˆ hat
‰ mille
Š you look good in a hat
‹ less then maybe but not <
Ž You also look good in a funny hat
‘ single forward quote (converted)
’ single backward quote (converted)
“ double forward quote (converted)
” double backward quote (converted)
• a bullet
– ndash (converted)
— mdash (converted)
˜ a tilde
™ tm
Š s-more hats
› greater than but not >
Œ SeEe
Ž zzzzz
Ÿ yyyyy
¡ done for now
Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 06:52:06 pm by Spuds