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Logo and site slogan Started by emanuele · · Read 7807 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Logo and site slogan

One thing I never understood is why adding the logo the name of the "community" disappears and adding the site slogan the Elk logo disappears.
One thing I've seen over the years is that many admins wan a logo as large as the header.

Question: is the slogan important?

Provided that most of the admins do not want to have the script logo at the top of the page and that name and the slogan may be redundant, but may also be useful, what do you think of:
1) adding a logo replaces the Elk logo and not the forum name
2) the slogan reduced to a legend (of sort) of the logo)
3) have a switch that allows a couple or three variants (e.g. name+logo, full-width logo, logo+name)
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Re: Logo and site slogan

Reply #1

1) yes, makes sense.
2) I personally find that site slogan useless..
3) yes, makes sense.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Logo and site slogan

Reply #2

I've always thought that was an odd behavior as well :D