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couple of "mobile" things Started by emanuele · · Read 7780 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

couple of "mobile" things

I found them here on the site, not tested on the latest versions:
1) when posting the subject input and the message icon select overlap the text (it would be better to have the description above the input/select)
2) the board icons are cropped
3) the profile menu is no more there.
4) tricky one: the droppy of the menu can overflow out of the window, maybe we can float them one on the left and one on the right and then use left and right to align them properly...I think.
5) also the user droppy in Display overflows outside the window.
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Re: couple of "mobile" things

Reply #1

1) is fixed here:
I forced all the dt and dd to be width: 90% so that they stay one after the other instead of side-by-side, better for low-res, but I had to use several !important, opinions?
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Re: couple of "mobile" things

Reply #2

After another tweak here it is the result.

Re: couple of "mobile" things

Reply #3

!important is fine at all but that text-align: left !important; is one of the few situations were  we should avoid the !important property , it'll definitely become a problem with RTL languages..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: couple of "mobile" things

Reply #4

Good point... though many dd are all aligned right (for example login form) with long selectors that are a pita to override... I guess the only way is use the same round of selectors, right?

mmm... it was just a class... lol
I'm replacing it.
Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 07:40:04 am by emanuele
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Re: couple of "mobile" things

Reply #6

Ohh... I was playing a bit with them too. lol
I did a bunch of commits changing my mind frequently so it's a bit incoherent.

1) should be fixed with the commit in reply #1 above. ;)
2) I just removed the resizing of the span, dunno if it is worth to keep the two in synch just for about 10 pixels... :-S Up to you. ;)
3) Dunno, tough it sounds a bit odd not to have it... playing with it I tried adding back both admin (yeah, I know admin from mobile may be a pita, but I believe this is a must.. and to be honest is not even that terrible, in fact it's pretty usable in most of the sections) and profile.
4) Ohh... right! Forgot. Though, in relation to that, I tried also to completely hide the 3rd level drops at low-res it should be pretty impossible to use them anyway, so better not to have them, easier :P
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Re: couple of "mobile" things

Reply #7

I'm pretty sure everything is fixed now.
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