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ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes Started by emanuele · · Read 19167 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Since we didn't do anything like that for beta 1, let's see if we can do anything for beta 2. :P

Don't forget the second part of the release notes: the list of know issues.

This is a summary of the major fixes and improvements since the previous release, if you are interested in the details, you can have a look at the repository, the detailed list of commits and changes is too long.

Major changes since ElkArte Beta 1:
  • New password encryption method
    Please note this will log out all your users and will ask to reintroduce the password
  • new theme variant (Be Social)
  • removed several inline styles
  • fixed print pages (several things)
  • reverted the menu structure to the simple array
  • fixed positioning of mentions dropdown (when using the @)
  • clean up of javascript files
  • converted several things to sprites
  • split few other templates
  • no more templates called template_main (also we should avoid in the future to introduce any new one)
  • removed several things related to unsupported browsers
  • added more tests
  • completely separated structural (position of things) and presentational (colors, borders, etc.) elements in css
  • changed mentions to better allow extension of functionalities (in order to do this control of access from the query has been removed)
  • restore of proper permissions control to mentions
  • introduction of a system to fire a scheduled task "ASAP"
  • several fixes to PMs (report to admin button missing, unable to save pm display option changes, minor template issues in a couple of rarely used templates, few others)
  • improved responsive theme
  • Removed some BBCodes
  • Tons of fixes to the theme
  • many, many bug fixes

1341 commits and a total of 478 files have been changed since ElkArte beta 1.
Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 11:51:58 am by emanuele
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #1

any database changes?
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #2

Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #3

Updated the first message, if you see something missing feel free to updated it or point it out here. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #4


Even though many tweaks are in progress, if we can sort out the password thingy I suppose the 19 is not so impossible...a bit of a shot in the dark, but... heh! :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #5

May miss it by a couple but should be close  :D

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #6

Another bump just to highlight the last entry I added (at the beginning of the list):
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #7

We have a few branches to merge in, but after that I'll update the site to the latest repo, which will include the password change.  So once that is done everyone (well other and openID folks) will have their first attempt to login met with a notice that the password hashing is being upgraded and require them to reenter their current password.  This does not change your password, its just changing how we encrypt and store hash strings to make the site and db more secure.

That will represent a test of B2 level, and depending on how many glitches we find will determine the official release of it, but it should not be far off now :)

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #8

Just a request: Let's try to focus on just bugfixing for 1.0 (no more restructuring, no new features, no theme additions...)

I have at least three boards in the queue which will be migrating to Elk as soon as possible  ;) (the german SMF Support plattform  :D ) (IPFire is quite a popular Linux Distribution, this would definitely be a reference customer) (A well known Website for hybrid and electro cars )
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #9

I'm not sure about this at the moment.

Quote from: TE – (A well known Website for hybrid and electro cars )

But sure about that!  ;)

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #10

Quote from: TE – Just a request: Let's try to focus on just bugfixing for 1.0 (no more restructuring, no new features, no theme additions...)
For the beta 2 I see three important points that need to be addressed:
1) any error,
2) anything "presentation" related,
3) mods.
Obviously any error shall be fixed, the theme needs to be completely cleaned up and fixed if necessary and of course there is to address anything wrong or potentially improvable for mods (hooks (lack of, position, parameters passed (or not, by ref or not), names, etc.), templates (something else to split, something to move to a callback of sort, etc.) and queries (retrieve more data? In a different way?, etc.) mainly).

That said, I'm the first that would like to start working on something "exciting" (and not fixing bugs :P), so one of the options I was considering in my mind was to already create a branch so that beta 2 is stable and receives only bug fixes and other necessary tweaks, and instead on master it's possible to start working on something else.
I think it may be (at least) an interesting exercise, to understand how it is possible to focus on things and how the projects can be organized in the future. ;O)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #11

Quote from: Jorin –
Quote from: TE – (the german SMF Support plattform  :D )
I'm not sure about this at the moment...... Imho this makes no sense at all. Unless you change URL to or something like that.  :)

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #12

Quote from: Jorin – I'm not sure about this at the moment.
ROFL, that one was just my guess ;)

I'm sure you'll love Elk and "upgrade" to the next level sooner or later ;) It's a support platform for SMF (and most likely the forks), I personally see no reason to switch to one of the forks as it is still a bit SMF under the hood.

@NetFlag : I've precautionary registered last year, exactly for that reason  :P
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #13

Quote from: TE – ...
@NetFlag : I've precautionary registered last year, exactly for that reason  :P a matter of prudence. Good news for all prospectiv elkadmins whose native language is german.  :)

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Beta 2 - release notes

Reply #14

Quote from: emanuele –
Quote from: TE – Just a request: Let's try to focus on just bugfixing for 1.0 (no more restructuring, no new features, no theme additions...)
For the beta 2 I see three important points that need to be addressed:
1) any error,
2) anything "presentation" related,
3) mods.

Obviously any error shall be fixed, the theme needs to be completely cleaned up and fixed if necessary and of course there is to address anything wrong or potentially improvable for mods (hooks (lack of, position, parameters passed (or not, by ref or not), names, etc.), templates (something else to split, something to move to a callback of sort, etc.) and queries (retrieve more data? In a different way?, etc.) mainly).
Exactly what I was thinking.  I have not doubt when we do some addons we will find we need some additional hooks or hooks that need to be tweaked.  Past that its bugs and presentation issues but steer away from those things that will just cause us to be in an endless loop.
Quote from: emanuele – That said, I'm the first that would like to start working on something "exciting" (and not fixing bugs :P), so one of the options I was considering in my mind was to already create a branch so that beta 2 is stable and receives only bug fixes and other necessary tweaks, and instead on master it's possible to start working on something else.
I think it may be (at least) an interesting exercise, to understand how it is possible to focus on things and how the projects can be organized in the future. ;O)
That also makes sense to me, any any bug fixes, etc just be cherry picked back to master.  Would you call the new branch 1.0.0.b2 ?