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IRC Started by TestMonkey · · Read 129387 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Reply #330

(01:34:36 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #590: Speaking of yelling. :) How about this? (master...elk_tweak)

(02:09:42 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #591: CSS refactoring (resorting and indexing) (master...ant_themeupdates)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #331

(09:59:29 PM) Norv: emanuele: would you like us to integrate ?
(09:59:51 PM) Norv: I see you made report_sent a layer
(10:00:50 PM) Norv: TBH, I was thinking (well, I have a branch somewhere) to remove send topic, and make it addon.
(10:03:35 PM) Norv: ... which is probably not a good idea.
(10:05:21 PM) emanuele: Why not?
(10:05:42 PM) emanuele: O:-)
(10:07:53 PM) Norv: Send topics - make available content - in different formats and through different applications, is imo a good idea. It's just that 'send topic to a friend' kinda strikes me as mostly... pffft. Not the way content is shared since ten years ago :P
(10:10:30 PM) Norv: Wants remove, lol?
(10:16:09 PM) emanuele: I've never used it and I...
(10:16:29 PM) ***emanuele does some checks here and there
(10:20:43 PM) emanuele: > Norv   I see you made report_sent a layer
(10:20:45 PM) emanuele: did I?
(10:20:56 PM) emanuele: ...ohhh I'm such a good guy... lol
(10:26:27 PM) Norv: I wonder if the UI is well chosen for it... because, ok, sure you 'send topic' in a topic, and yet it's a big button there, which doesn't seem to have much in common with others ('reply', 'add poll', 'mark unread')
(10:26:43 PM) Norv: well, and its friend 'print'
(10:26:52 PM) Norv: they both seem sort of ... different
(10:27:26 PM) ***Norv was tempted to say out of place, but it may be just me
(10:28:02 PM) Norv: lol, you're the layers master!
(10:28:53 PM) emanuele: Well, reading my messages you may have already noticed I'm not really enthusiast about the buttons in general...
(10:30:12 PM) Norv: lol I was thinking at that! /me was probably shamelessly hoping to get support for removing buttonz from the visible interface or make them smaller or something
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #332

(10:30:08 PM) emanuele: BTW the "new" icon seems to be broken on the first access so it should be some check on the session...
(10:33:13 PM) Norv: ok... Are your PRs tested? O:-) At least Split controller
(10:34:52 PM) emanuele: I thought they were tested even when I sent them, so I'm not exactly reliable on that round... sorry
(10:35:26 PM) Norv: lol
(10:34:54 PM) Norv: On first access... to the board?
(10:37:00 PM) emanuele: It's strange: it seemed the first time you access a board for the first time on the session (and then the other boards were fine), but few minutes ago it didn't appear for two boards accessed during the same session...
(10:37:50 PM) emanuele: For example now I'm re-looking around and it marked as read everything...
(10:38:17 PM) emanuele: I had two topics unread in feature discussion and one in general discussion
(10:38:27 PM) emanuele: and all of them have been marked as read...
(10:38:41 PM) emanuele: usually is just the first topic of the first board I open...
(10:38:45 PM) emanuele: :-S

(10:39:07 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 13 new commits to master:
(10:39:07 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master a83336f emanuele: Missing div that prevented change the page index when splitting ajaxively a topic...
(10:39:07 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 761239d emanuele: Even for xml actions we need index.template.php because in certain cases we need template_init......
(10:39:07 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 16f6315 emanuele: A $db not used...

(10:56:00 PM) Norv: emanuele: I'm sorry, too tired and without debugger atm to look into it now. I can make some consistency-related tweaks still (coffee is cold), but unread needs more attention than I can give it atm.
(10:56:57 PM) emanuele: Ohhh unread is another good one! :D
(10:57:45 PM) emanuele: This week I think I'm not going to do much, have to focus on RL for a tiny bit (...or at least try to lol)
(10:59:52 PM) Norv: Ok. This week I really really hope to finish the rest of significant-'must be done's, so you might find a different Elk when you look at it! :D
(11:00:18 PM) emanuele: A moose maybe? :P
(11:00:39 PM) Norv: lol hopefully not!!
(11:00:56 PM) ***Norv is not a fan of the moose.
(11:01:25 PM) emanuele: Maybe an Irish Elk?
(11:01:44 PM) emanuele: lol
(11:01:45 PM) Norv: LOL
(11:02:39 PM) emanuele: With those antlers it may even be a flying Elk! :D
(11:03:47 PM) Norv: Bah, this is beauty. You guys knows nothing.
(11:05:29 PM) TimeVortex: Jon snuuuuh
(11:10:29 PM) Norv: :P
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #333

(06/26/2013 01:23:15 AM) Norv: emanuele: do you think it'd be possible to make an accessibleGroups() for the random_refactoring? I'm afraid my focus on this part and memory are poor, and if we merge it now, I'll forget and I'm not convinced of loadGroups()...
(01:25:06 AM) Norv: Eventually, lets have both, but use in PMs the simple function, accessibleGroups() (which doesn't forward, just does bluntly its stuff for now)
(01:35:34 AM) emanuele: I still have to understand what exactly that query was supposed to return, though I think I don't have any big preference for this specific case, I just have the feeling that in general we should decide one way and be consistent (and the one I think I'd like is: load data "by-permissions", but leave params around to override them "just in case"). TBH I don't remember in all the cases where...
(01:35:36 AM) emanuele: ...permissions were involved what we did, though I have the feeling every time I just forwarded somehow the permission via a parameter
(01:37:04 AM) Norv: ok
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #334

(03:48:36 AM) ichbin: You must be a night owl Norv. It has to be like 2am where you are or something.
(03:49:30 AM) Norv: Ohwell. Time is relative I hear.
(03:50:22 AM) Norv: ichbin: if you offer to assist Ant with his packs stands, it'll be very helpful in the time that follows
(03:51:00 AM) ichbin: packs stands? What is that?
(03:51:40 AM) Norv: * if your offer stands :D Sorry, it is indeed... some hour in them nights.
(03:52:34 AM) ichbin: lol, ah yes I see now what you are saying. I have not touched anything because it's been a little confusing to know if someone else has picked things up or not. And I'm not always around everyday to be able to get to them right away.
(03:57:12 AM) Norv: Whatever you want. I'm trying to say that we won't, Spuds and I: I'm sorry, I really can't deal with it too; and I'm afraid Ant's unwarranted comment somewhere hasn't been appropriate for the help he's been getting from Spuds. Ant isn't following normal process, and if we don't want to adapt more, well, then I'll find another way.
(04:15:38 AM) ichbin: Well if everyone can get on the same page that would be good. Maybe I'll see if I can start a topic and have Ant post his updates there. That way I will know which updates have been done. And if everyone will leave the topic alone, I can make sure I'm the only one doing them.
(04:31:03 AM) Norv: ichbin:
(04:32:36 AM) Norv: lol
(04:37:58 AM) Norv: Thank you!
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.



Reply #335

(08:23:30 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 3 new commits to master:
(08:23:30 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master bc192c6 Antechinus: This is mainly just a resorting and indexing of CSS file content,...
(08:23:30 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master e6a8bd9 Norv: Remove duplicate declarations....

(08:24:11 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 35 new commits to master:
(08:24:11 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 2eb810f Norv: Add abstract base class Action_Controller....
(08:24:11 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 52c0728 Norv: Derive all admin controllers from Action_Controller....
(08:24:11 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 5c95d4b Norv: Make two dozen user/mod controllers extend Action_Controller....
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #336

(09:14:16 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #593: Elk spelling (master...langfix)

(10:02:20 PM) elk_tools: [tools] eurich opened pull request #10: populate.php shoud know about refactoring now :D (master...populate)

(11:21:48 PM) ***Norv takes a look at ManageMembergroups in 2.1-dev and stretches. Wow we've gone a long way from those embedded tricks 'n queries 'n stuff.
(11:24:52 PM) Norv: 1221 lines of code - vs - 820, too. And 70+ in Elk are for settings (we have temporary extra-redundancy there, which is on my todo list).
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #337

(03:45:00 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] IchBin opened pull request #594: This one just gets rid of the superfluous divs in the quote tags. (master...bugfixes)
(04:38:31 AM) ichbin: How to remove last commit?
(04:38:38 AM) ichbin: in Git.
(04:53:07 AM) ichbin: git reset --hard it would seem. And then push --force to overwrite the commit if its been pushed.

(09:50:22 AM) Dragooon: OMG Elkarte went green!

(02:26:14 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 5 new commits to master:
(02:26:14 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 38b2e1c Thorsten Eurich: Elk isn't a registered trademark.. ...
(02:26:14 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 5f4519d Thorsten Eurich: ELKARTE to ElkArte fixes....

(02:52:09 PM) TimeVortex: Dragooon: very eco-friendly
(02:52:19 PM) Dragooon: lol

(02:56:05 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 2 new commits to master:
(02:56:05 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master c8fe436 Norv: Speaking of yelling. :) How about this?...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #338

(05:02:31 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] IchBin opened pull request #596: Basic Subs fixes (from (master...theme)

(06:46:05 AM) ichbin: It's Friday night, where are all the nerds who don't have a life like me? ;)

(03:06:41 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #598: Elk spelling (master...elk_spelling)

(03:32:08 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 1 new commit to master:
(03:32:08 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 075c90c ichbin: Basic Subs fixes (from

(03:38:44 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 5 new commits to master:
(03:38:44 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master a304dcf Thorsten Eurich: Elkarte to ElkArte...
(03:38:44 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master df9d520 Thorsten Eurich: few more Elkarte to ElkArte replacements...
(03:38:44 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 7e21b4f Thorsten Eurich:  Elkarte to ElkArte replacements (docs)...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #339

(10:52:37 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #600: Themes.php refactoring - part 2 (master...themes2)

(11:21:45 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #602: missing constant ELKARTE to ELK changes.. (master...ELK_fixes)
(11:22:15 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich pushed 2 new commits to master:
(11:22:15 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 8ad882b Thorsten Eurich: missing constant ELKARTE to ELK changes.....

(04:27:07 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 16 new commits to master:
(04:27:07 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 7baaa94 Thorsten Eurich: moved db query to subs, re-use the existing function....
(04:27:07 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 1dff0d1 Thorsten Eurich: use existing function for redundant code....
(04:27:07 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master e18edd1 Thorsten Eurich: moved db query to subs....

(10:06:55 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #603: Stats controller refactoring (master...stats_controller)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #340

(06:00:55 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] IchBin opened pull request #609: Theme updates (master...theme)

(06:27:28 AM) ichbin: I feel Ant's pain with this Git BS. Just wanted to put that out there. :D
(06:31:20 AM) ichbin: Norv, if my latest PR is going to mess things up in Subs feel free to cancel the request. I'm not sure wtf is going on with git in Netbeans. It's horrible. Lacks a tone of implementation if you ask me. Either way, I'll keep my eye on the PR and comments.

(08:01:39 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 opened pull request #610: News (
(08:03:30 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 pushed 3 new commits to master:
(08:03:30 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 73525d5 emanuele: list_getNews should be a function (and not a method) but since it just calls getNews...let's drop it...
(08:03:30 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 1b6f05c emanuele: Fixed news fader...
(08:03:30 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 647342c emanuele45: Merge pull request #610 from emanuele45/news...
(08:03:51 PM) emanuele: darn typo!
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #341

(09:32:51 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 opened pull request #611: Smf remnants (master...smf_remnants)

(12:29:43 AM) emanuele: Hey!!
(12:29:51 AM) emanuele: It's sooooo calm here around...
(12:30:01 AM) emanuele: Everybody sleeping? :P
(01:20:26 AM) ***Norv is wandering cross the interwebz.
(01:24:46 AM) emanuele: someone is actually around! :P
(01:35:39 AM) Norv: Is not. :)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #342

(08:38:15 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #647: fixes for various bugs (master...spuds_reported_bugs)
(09:32:21 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich closed pull request #647: fixes for various bugs (master...spuds_reported_bugs)

(09:35:22 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich pushed 2 new commits to master:
(09:35:22 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 4505e51 Antechinus: Ugh. Old SMF 2.0.x markup. :P...
(09:35:22 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 98464cf Thorsten Eurich: Merge pull request #627 from eurich/chainsaw_massacre...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #343

(09:18:33 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #649: Fixes (master...fixes2)
(09:20:08 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich closed pull request #649: Fixes (master...fixes2)

(10:52:33 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 opened pull request #650: Fix for integration hooks page (master...admin_hooks)

(12:10:37 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] Spuds opened pull request #652: Draft Load Update (master...dt)

(01:36:55 AM) groundup: It is awesome how much activity is happening but I need to change my damn notification settings now. I get way too many emails from Elkarte haha
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #344

(10:34:55 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] engelnyst opened pull request #667: Add a ScheduledTasks.subs.php file for scheduled tasks (master...tasks)

(10:57:43 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich synchronize pull request #657: Admin security enhancements (master...admin_security)

(04:42:41 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 synchronize pull request #648: Themes admin (master...themes_admin)

(04:45:39 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 synchronize pull request #650: Fix for integration hooks page (master...admin_hooks)

(05:09:26 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] Spuds opened pull request #669: Fix a couple of items in the package manager (master...pkg)

(05:57:34 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 synchronize pull request #623: Removed the "simple" permissions management page (master...remove_simple)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.