7.0 +Changed that the persons name links to their myimages section instead of their main profile to show all the users pictures. !Restrict picture upload fields to image file extensions ".gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .webp, .tiff, .bmp"
Last post by Janonati -
I’ve run into similar issues before where a server update changes stuff without notice. Setting permissions to 0777 usually does the trick, but keep an eye on those updates.
Last post by Hectraph -
Since you managed to fix the theme issue, try manually removing the addon files from the server if you can’t do it through the admin panel. Also, check if there are any database entries related to the addon that you can delete or adjust.
Last post by Janonati -
You could use Google Translate API for auto-translating posts, but it might need custom coding. No easy plug-and-play like TranslatePress though.
Last post by Janonati -
I've had the same issue a few times too, and it seems hit or miss. Sometimes the button works, sometimes it doesn't. Maybe it's just a quirk with the Dev version.