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ElkArte german language files Started by Jorin · · Read 52600 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: ElkArte german language files

Reply #60

I'm stuck:

QuoteShow Enclosed Within Text

^ What does that mean?  :o

Re: ElkArte german language files

Reply #61

I had to go look myself, odd wording.

Turns out that its part of the profile fields area.  It takes whatever the user enters in the input box and "wraps" that input in some supplied text, like a custom template for that field.

So if the user entered blabla  you can make it appear as e.g.  did you say "blabla" ?

Enclose user input in text  
Wrap user input with
Template to use on input

Re: ElkArte german language files

Reply #62

I'd prefer "Wrap user input in text" :-)
Will change it in the English file somewhen today ... ;)

Re: ElkArte german language files

Reply #63

With only the "Help" left to translate (I'm on it...), I wonder if there's a good German word for "news feed" except "Newsfeed"?

Re: ElkArte german language files

Reply #65

mmm @Spuds? O:-)
Was it so recent the issue with chars? I thought it was happened a long time aog.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: ElkArte german language files

Reply #66

It was after December 5, definitely. :P

Re: ElkArte german language files

Reply #67

I'm 100% not sure :D

We have had this happen a few times, at one point I thought it was old ones that htmlspecial was messing up the character code but we fixed that some time back.  Something else is going one, need to look around some more.


Re: ElkArte german language files

Reply #68

While everyone is fiddling with above character bug, maybe some other German translators are willing to help me with the Help? I guess it should be ready before the release of ElkArte 1.0 (just for publicity reasons), and I'm not sure I can make it on time. I'm done with the first 189 lines...

Update: 314 lines.
Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 10:26:13 pm by forumsearch0r