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Support / Re: Setting up SMTP Mailing service
Last post by Steeley -
Quote from: Denis M. –
Type of error: General
Ran into problems sending Mail. Error: 550 The from address does not match a verified Sender Identity. Mail cannot be sent until this error is resolved. Visit to see the Sender Identity requirements

EDIT: Currently waiting on new DNS changes to take effect

Typically, the server that hosts your forum (, also has a mailserver, so the simplest is to establish an email account on mydomain for your forum ( Most mail security protocols now require that the account only allows authentication from, not some other addy (such as ""), trying to send through it.

Sendgrid has to pretend it's your server's mailserver, meaning you probably need to have domain authentication, and you need an individual account for each forum email address sending mail.  (I used to be able to have one primary sending account - but now the from addy, and maybe the replyto addy? - has to match the account, not just log in as ", password: "pw1230hmy". The mailserver sets those rules and YMMV (your mileage may vary)..  

For sanity, you also need an individual account for each addy receiving email (not redirects to a common addy), if ElkArte needs to retrieve and direct them to a particular function (such as postbymail to particular forum categories).

Ports may also be important - my receiving ports need to use port 995, my sending ports need to use port 465. I also use Direct SSL, but not STARTTLS. But that is determined by my host's mailserver requirements.  Port 25, for example is basic old/school SMTP and has little security support, so few mailservers support port 25 any more..

I'd need to know a lot more about your forum configuration and sendgrid in order to be more specific, but the first thing I'd explore is whether your host has email account support for your forum - if so, that simplifies things greatly..
Support / Re: Can't change my forum profile here on ElkBoards ?
Last post by Spuds -
Quote from: Denis M. – Sure thing Spuds ! Ill be checking back frequently, still no changes though
This should be fixed now, give it a try.

It was a new bug, kind of interesting really.  On the profile options form, there are some hidden input fields, mostly around the various avatar selections.  Anyway one of those had a type="url" which triggers the browser to validate that the entered value is a valid url.  But since this is an optional field, if left blank, the form simply fails to validate (via the browser) and never gets submitted.
Support / Setting up SMTP Mailing service
Last post by D.M. -
Hello there community ! Our forums I am currently working on is just about finished and ready to be open and running, but sadly I am hitting a wall when it comes to SMTP integration, namely I have chosen the SendGrid SMTP service which has a good enough free plan for a low monthly email load but it doesn't seem to be working. Everything is setup in the backend verified my domain at SendGrid, updated the DNS records on my backend even though I have tried all sorts of combinations in the ''SMTP Client'' , ''Proxy'' and ''STARTTLS'' fields I am stuck and not getting any emails through, should the STARTTLS even be checked when going through an SSL proxy and domain?, tried entering the non-ssl proxies which are given being two numbers separated by commas '','' but it gives me a strange error and deletes the mail queue. Maybe I should try another service provider or ? The only mails I have successfully sent were through PHP and those get fed into the spam folder as we all know, so theres no point in going for PHP

If anyone has any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong It would mean a lot ! Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Just to note that the problem is occurring definitely  at the ElkArte backend, I've got mail queue turned on just in case and when I click to send the mail queue it just refreshes the page and the time of the email but it doesnt let it go through

This is the error code from the error log:

Type of error: General
Could not connect to SMTP host: 110 : Connection timed out

EDIT: I have since then been able to get through with the port 25, this is the new error I am getting (Keep in mind that I have tried every single domain / sender name combination including leaving it blank for the system to detect it, also verified both single sender and domain identities)

Type of error: General
Ran into problems sending Mail. Error: 550 The from address does not match a verified Sender Identity. Mail cannot be sent until this error is resolved. Visit to see the Sender Identity requirements

EDIT: Currently waiting on new DNS changes to take effect
Support / Horizontally centering text in posts on ElkArte ?
Last post by D.M. -
Hello there community ! Just a quick question regarding posting visually appealing informational posts. The question is if there is a way to center text horizontally when posting ? I have searched through the web for BBC codes or something similar but only thing I came to was centering it using a table and its pretty confusing to be honest, if anyone knows any shortcode's or if there's an addon that comes with an inbuilt function I would greatly appreciate it ! Thanks in advance !