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IRC Started by TestMonkey · · Read 141495 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Reply #60

(01:54:55 AM) Spuds: @norv ... Forgot your password reminder function seems to be broke
(02:23:03 AM) Spuds: not sure if it was just some testing on your part or other ... since its not in the array, its looking for 'Reminder_Controller' 
(02:42:30 AM) Norv: ohh. ok, fixing

(03:55:57 PM) ***emanuele is stuck deciding if it is better to use a callback or use just a standard function style everything consistently...
(03:56:23 PM) Trekkie101: Flip a coin :P
(03:57:49 PM) emanuele: Norv, a question: does it still make sense to keep the poll template in its own file? (now that I changed it to a sub_template)
(04:02:13 PM) emanuele: Trekkie101> Flip a coin :P
(04:02:19 PM) emanuele: I think I'll do both :P
(04:02:41 PM) Trekkie101: Tough decisions can usually be made by a coin flip :P
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #61

(04:32:23 PM) Spuds entered the room.
(04:34:58 PM) Trekkie101 left the room.
(04:59:20 PM) emanuele:  Spuds you scared Trekkie... :(
(05:04:16 PM) Spuds: He's just frightened of old people :P

(05:08:47 PM) emanuele: What do you think about remove the "new poll" button and instead have it inside the post page link an option?
(05:34:29 PM) Norv: emanuele: makes some sense, but I think people won't find it :D - we're too used to make a poll; usually you come to the board with the intention to make a poll, not to write a post and add later...
(05:35:24 PM) Norv: "I want to make a poll" vs. "I want to write about x topic, and I think I'll add a poll to it"
(05:38:53 PM) Trekkie101: Polls could also do with better integration, like be part of a post par example
(05:38:59 PM) Trekkie101: Topic: Cycling
(05:39:29 PM) Trekkie101: Been thinking of cycling along the northwest pass this weekend, anyone want to come along?
(05:39:40 PM) Trekkie101: Yes [XXXXXXX ]
(05:39:53 PM) Trekkie101: No [XX ]
(05:41:07 PM) emanuele: Though if you start with a topic and while writing it you realize you want to add a poll you have to post it and then add the poll...
(05:41:31 PM) emanuele: maybe both options? O:-)
(05:41:59 PM) emanuele: (and the "new poll" just a parameter in the url that shows the same post page with the box expanded?
(05:58:16 PM) Norv: if it tempts ya. :)

(05:59:47 PM) Norv: >> (03:57:49 PM) emanuele: Norv, a question: does it still make sense to keep the poll template in its own file? (now that I changed it to a sub_template)
(05:59:47 PM) Norv: IMHO, yes. Definitely, I'd prefer we keep things separated in implementation/files/structure, for a feature like polls.
(06:00:23 PM) Norv: (and separate some of the implementation, more, from action_post() code)
(06:01:38 PM) Norv: (same for subs dedicated more to polls and everything about them; give or take some inter-relations)
(06:03:56 PM) Norv: These options on polls seem nice to have; if you feel they don't clutter the interface, it'd be handy I suppose
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #62

(06:35:29 PM) emanuele:
(06:35:37 PM) emanuele: ugly in several ways
(06:37:21 PM) emanuele: though it should be a bit more flexible than now

Anyone has some time to make a code review?
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #63

Just a small warning: it's not yet finished: drafts will go into it either and the PMs page should be changed the same (or similar) way. O:-)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Reply #64

(06:20:24 PM) emanuele: How important is to have queries not sliced in pieces and passed as arguments of functions? (I'm currently thinking at things like sort in createList)
(06:21:30 PM) emanuele: for example:
(06:52:44 PM) Spuds: I'd ask as opposed to what?
(06:55:11 PM) Norv: that is problematic
(06:55:42 PM) Norv: would it be possible to have that sort in the functions list_xxx() ?
(06:56:33 PM) Norv: as opposed to 'no sql in random params, and/or no sql in controllers functions', Spuds, I believe
(07:00:44 PM) emanuele: since we are talking about controllers/subs and this kind of things and was thinking if it isn't better to have queries "in one block" and not potentially spread all over the places
(07:01:31 PM) emanuele: well...all over the places is maybe a bit exaggerate... O:-)
(07:01:32 PM) Norv: yes... but what is a reasonable option for that sort?
(07:02:10 PM) Norv: because it's different for any columns
(07:02:20 PM) emanuele: a small array in list_getXxx?
(07:02:51 PM) Norv: yes, but then, the way you use it (the resulting code in controller, where you create the options for the list), is it still readable?
(07:03:01 PM) Norv: when all sorts are separated? I'm not sure.
(07:04:15 PM) emanuele: I'm not really sure the way to sort things is a problem of the array that you send to createList...
(07:05:09 PM) emanuele: I mean: createList has to know what column you want to sort, but then it's list_get that has to know how to sort the query
(07:05:31 PM) Norv: Right.
(07:09:41 PM) Norv: it may result in less reusability for list_get() but that is not a problem, it's a good thing: list_xxx() are supposed to be 'attached' to the controller anyway. They're more the design of the code than anything else.
(07:27:35 PM) Spuds: My comment was in line with whats the proposal thats better, thats all ... those may not be ideal but not clear to me what the better mousetrap is ... I can barely remember all the nuances of createlist as it is now.
(07:29:03 PM) emanuele: oh, now I got it. Well...when it comes to "good code design/practices" you should not ask me... O:-)
(07:31:44 PM) Spuds: Well I figured since you are Mr. CreateList you were going to make a proposal, did not realize it was just a question O:-)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.



Reply #65

(07:32:30 PM) Spuds: Now a question .... are we supposed to use loadAdminClass and loadController ?
(07:34:27 PM) Spuds: loadAdminClass is used quite often, maybe made more sense before we went to constants ... can't see loadController in use at all (yet) ...
(07:35:13 PM) Spuds: or loadLibrary() ?
(07:35:33 PM) Spuds: even though its not longer the library
(07:38:33 PM) Norv: it's better for the core software to use directly constant + file
(07:39:03 PM) Norv: for performance, and it isn't problematic
(07:41:12 PM) Norv: my thought was mainly to keep them available for addons, integrations; and, perhaps, we would at some future version update them to look for a library (for example) in more locations, e.g. in /subs and in /addonsdir. But not for us
(07:43:40 PM) Spuds: So in general just use require_once(CONSTANT . 'bla/de/bla') ? (sorry brain working slow this AM)
(07:43:57 PM) Norv: That's what I'd do.
(07:44:24 PM) Spuds: Good ... that means I don't have to change anything :D

(07:44:52 PM) Spuds: do we want to change the loadAdminClass calls back as well ?
(07:56:47 PM) Norv: do we have a constant for admin dir?
(08:18:34 PM) emanuele: nope
(08:18:41 PM) emanuele: or yes?...
(08:22:00 PM) emanuele: nope
(08:22:10 PM) emanuele: only cache, board, source, subs and controller
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #66

(10:49:12 PM) emanuele: Norv, Spuds:
(10:49:51 PM) Norv: emanuele:
(10:50:49 PM) emanuele: lol
(10:51:10 PM) emanuele: did you comment on the old PR?
(10:51:14 PM) Norv: yes :)
(10:51:17 PM) emanuele: I didn't get the notifications...
(10:51:27 PM) emanuele: stupid github...
(10:52:01 PM) emanuele: well...then let's define also ADMINDIR and get rid of that function too... O:-)
(10:52:03 PM) emanuele: no?
(10:52:11 PM) Norv: Go ahead. Minimalists. :P
(10:54:05 PM) emanuele: the less is there, the less I can break. :P

(11:52:28 PM) emanuele: the install logo is still the "old" one
(11:52:49 PM) Norv: ah sorry. Blame Norv. :P
(11:53:19 PM) emanuele: No need to tell, I always blame you. :P
(11:53:28 PM) emanuele: (or Spuds)
(11:56:24 PM) emanuele: don't merge it yet, I'll throw in some fixes for the installer and upgrade
(11:59:17 PM) Norv: how about TE's?
(11:59:50 PM) emanuele: there are just three missing, though everything else seems fine
(11:59:59 PM) emanuele: I mean he missed to remove them

(02/21/2013 12:01:59 AM) ***Norv thinks emanuele should set himself up a gravatar, like them fancy people do. :P
(12:02:37 AM) emanuele: the installer is quite broken... lol
(12:02:44 AM) emanuele: (with constants I mean)

(12:19:52 AM) emanuele: and what about languagedir?
(12:20:08 AM) emanuele: you mentioned it few days ago but don't remember
(12:20:12 AM) emanuele: the details
(12:22:09 AM) Norv: I was proposing to define languagedir. Even if we're not using it yet, because I think this is yet one of those that should be customizable (i.e. on linux distribs)
(12:22:57 AM) Norv: I didn't move /languages in /sources, as I've threatened Ant a while ago, still if we work to make it customizable it will still be, imho, better

(12:39:37 AM) Norv: speaking of this, emanuele: sources, ext, board, lang, should be in settings
(12:40:20 AM) Norv: thinking that an installer should be able to change them there. the rest can be in index
(12:50:46 AM) emanuele: at the moment there is board, sources, subs, controller, admin
(12:51:02 AM) emanuele: subs, controllers, admin make not much sense I think
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #67

(07:39:49 PM) emanuele: Norv:
(07:39:52 PM) emanuele: any opinion?
** Norv takes a look.
(07:40:11 PM) ***emanuele takes a break
(07:40:32 PM) Trekkie101: NO BREAKS POLICY in this company
(07:41:03 PM) emanuele: really? How can I be there then? I always break everything! :P

(08:24:36 PM) Norv: emanuele: to me, those extra-php checks look like ugly code. If it really is so insignificant, I wouldn't continue making them.
(08:24:48 PM) ***Norv is not a performance freak.
(09:18:38 PM) ***emanuele neither...
(09:19:05 PM) emanuele: I'll remove them since all those checks are very ugly. :P

(09:19:26 PM) ***emanuele is also going to fetch MAS commit. :P
(10:16:10 PM) Norv: hacking attempt stuff?
(10:17:57 PM) emanuele: nope, I wanted to fetch the PR she closed...
(10:19:19 PM) Norv: Ah. Well you still can I think. But those casts should be removed
(10:19:47 PM) emanuele: yep, I was already planning to remove them O:-)

(10:21:46 PM) Norv:
(10:22:54 PM) emanuele: cool stuff!!
(10:23:10 PM) ***emanuele copies it to his bookmark topic
(10:24:06 PM) ***Norv wonders how will emanuele bookmark his bookmark topic
(10:24:42 PM) ***emanuele knows it is there and hope the forum will not go down for any reason!

(10:40:02 PM) emanuele: did you ask because you want the hacking attempt stuff?
(11:20:56 PM) Norv: yes, actually
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #68

(11:33:01 PM) emanuele: there are also some errors that use the same "hacker attempt", should that be changed too?
(11:44:45 PM) Norv: I thought you removed unapproved_attachments subtemplate...
(11:45:26 PM) Norv: imho, no: from case to case, maybe some are closer to a real warning trigger
(11:46:07 PM) emanuele: I don't have it...why?
(11:46:27 PM) Norv:
(11:47:27 PM) emanuele: I can't find it my repo
(11:48:15 PM) Norv: Template killer. Spuds doesn't suspect you.
(11:48:36 PM) ***emanuele whistles innocently
(11:48:46 PM) emanuele: I think it's gone a long time ago
(11:49:58 PM) emanuele:, just 10 days...
(11:50:09 PM) ***emanuele 's memory is terrible...
(11:52:20 PM) Norv: hah
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #69

(04:42:51 PM) Norv: lol...

(05:13:19 PM) ***emanuele is trying to understand how joomla login works...
(05:13:27 PM) emanuele: not funny. I think I got how registration works
(05:31:13 PM) emanuele: why any login function calls parent::login!! :'(
(05:33:21 PM) emanuele: ! :P Found what I was looking for

(06:16:02 PM) Norv: I broke github.
(06:16:09 PM) ***Norv is happy with the achievement.
(06:16:31 PM) Norv: :D
the Github response: 500 Internal Oops.
(06:17:15 PM) Spuds: You need to learn to use github for windows :P
(06:19:26 PM) Norv: Not my fault! Github broke when I tried to access the repo from svn
(06:20:13 PM) Norv: It messed up the repo on *their side*, not mine, hah

(04:57:05 PM) emanuele: Norv
(05:01:01 PM) Norv: Cool!
(05:09:06 PM) Norv: Hmm. I've never grasped this flat file idea.
(05:10:59 PM) Norv: You query the database anyway, at each page load. So might as well retrieve the buttons. And, as emanuele pointed out on hooks, the always-over-used $modSettings can act like a cache (to save an extra query for them).

(06:49:09 PM) Norv:    'menu_enable_icons' => 1=0,
(06:49:23 PM) Norv: install_db.php in Kays mod
(06:49:32 PM) Norv: this ain't right
(06:51:34 PM) emanuele: it's because of a discussion we were having about updateSettings that don't set empty variables if they don't exist
(06:52:00 PM) emanuele: Kays doesn't like to have them unset, so he is using this workaround
(06:59:31 PM) ***Norv doesn't understand
(07:00:06 PM) emanuele: updateSettings(array('my_setting' => 0));
(07:00:18 PM) emanuele: if my_setting doesn't exist it is not created
(07:01:15 PM) Norv: this is then intended to be 1==0 ?
(07:01:34 PM) emanuele: ahhh... maybe a typo
(07:05:14 PM) Norv: hmm, and you're right, but then it doesn't set the setting for false either
(07:05:46 PM) emanuele: yep
(07:06:30 PM) Norv: so what is the workaround? I don't see any, apart from updating twice
Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 11:52:36 am by TestMonkey
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #70

(07:18:59 PM) ***emanuele would love to have a "loadElkBasic" that does all the require and loadSomething necessary to have Elk functions and db connection available...
(07:55:50 PM) Norv: Write it. :) It's kinda SSI.php initialization. But yes, it's slightly more

(08:06:27 PM) emanuele: Joomla plugin for SMF and Elk :P auth works! :D
(08:08:46 PM) Norv: yay? where is it?
(08:08:59 PM) emanuele: on my pc right now
(08:09:00 PM) Norv: license?
(08:09:12 PM) emanuele: duuuuno...
(08:09:19 PM) Norv: to be inline with joomla, if it uses its API, I think it should be GPL.
(08:09:27 PM) emanuele: I used the basic joomla code as template...does that matter?
(08:10:09 PM) Norv: reusing the code matters only if you reuse enough to be a derivative of the code... But I thought it interacts with joomla API too?
(08:10:24 PM) Norv: or does it use the database directly for auth
(08:10:56 PM) emanuele: it extends the jPlugin class
(08:11:03 PM) emanuele: so API I'd say
(08:11:22 PM) emanuele: but then "inside" it uses $smcFunc to query the db
(08:12:30 PM) Norv: GPL.
(08:13:20 PM) Norv: (according to Joomla and SFLC, afaik. No one really knows the extent of GPL, but that's why the project expresses their official stance.)
(08:13:29 PM) emanuele: now I have to make it work from SMF too
(08:15:05 PM) Norv: (in my personal opinion, external stuff, i.e. plugins, should be GPLish just fine if they're only GPL-compatible licensed. But this isn't the case of Joomla, nor some of the interpretations of GPL.)
(08:15:40 PM) emanuele: anyway joomla is ugly.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #71

(09:37:25 PM) Spuds:
(09:37:26 PM) Spuds: Have fun, should be rich with errors and mistakes
(09:37:53 PM) Norv: wow!
(09:38:46 PM) Norv: what are the problems?
(09:38:49 PM) Trekkie101: PBE is going to be pretty cool
(09:39:30 PM) Norv: Teh coolness. We need all testing we can get, to make it work as best as possible
(09:40:58 PM) Spuds: Its the testing and email (in general) that are the problems .... And I added some complexity since I decided to support markdown in/out for the plain text version.
(09:41:35 PM) Trekkie101: Whats the requirements, profile with email address in it to post?
(09:41:39 PM) Spuds: I did not add in html output since thats just another black hole of email of sorts
(09:42:38 PM) Spuds: I still have to add in the install and upgrade tables and changes

(09:43:36 PM) Spuds: This explains some of it
(09:44:29 PM) Spuds: But to use it (user and board permissions aside), you can simply reply to an notification email (topic/post/pm) and it will post it just like you did it from the forum
(09:45:15 PM) Spuds: each email that it sends has a security key tied to the notificaition, so the reply must have that key, they key must have been sent to that email, etc
(09:45:36 PM) Spuds: this makes it very hard to spoof / spam with a reply
(09:46:05 PM) Spuds: New topics are a bit more of a problem, but there is an option to moderate all new topics by email
(09:46:25 PM) Spuds: This is because there is no security key, so its vunerable to spoofing
(09:47:21 PM) Trekkie101: Impressive documentation
(09:47:22 PM) Trekkie101: Kudos
(09:47:57 PM) Spuds: But you can start a new topic with a reply but changing the subject (also an option) that is secure but the new topic will go in the same board, you don't get a choice in that .. (you do get that choice doing it the pure new topic route)
(09:49:08 PM) Spuds: Glad you liked the docs :) .... I'll add some more, like filter and parser examples that people can use
(09:49:23 PM) Trekkie101: They are very extensive actually!
(09:49:29 PM) Trekkie101: Im reading through them now
(10:01:27 PM) Norv: I'm at loss of words. Spuds would please make it a PR (more visible) or topic in the boards on the branch
(10:05:56 PM) Spuds: Let me get the install/upgrade stuff in place and I'll make a PR ... do note I have a debug function in there ATM which writes the emails to a file, obvisly that will need to be completly removed at beta
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #72

(09:50:18 PM) Trekkie101: The other day, were you guys talking about proper notifications in Elk?
(10:01:49 PM) Norv: Trekkie101: what is more proper? :)
(10:02:43 PM) Trekkie101: Like I post, you reply, I see a notification of it?
(10:02:52 PM) Trekkie101: Like next page refresh sorta thing
(10:09:37 PM) Norv: Trekkie101:  I don't think so. (not sure where in the UI, either) Propose exactly the behavior in an issue to file?
(10:10:17 PM) Trekkie101: You want me to file it as an issue? Also Facebook-esque
(10:21:00 PM) Norv: Yes, please lets use the issue tracking, for features of relevance discussed in convos. (apart from irc or forum). So a notification somewhere, on any page, that a reply was posted?

(10:58:11 PM) emanuele:
(11:12:49 PM) Norv: nice! thanks
(11:14:40 PM) emanuele: Probably the WP bridge is a better starting point...
(11:17:38 PM) emanuele:
(11:18:16 PM) Norv:

(05:47:04 PM) Norv: emanuele: is CC-BY-ND-NC. That's a non-open/free license (and extremely so). Also, CC licenses are not OSI approved, anyway, even the free licenses subset of them (CC-BY and CC-BY-SA), because they're not for software.
(05:47:30 PM) Norv: Just noting. Saw a topic by Bugo I believe.
(05:49:59 PM) emanuele: the js library is under a "MIT-style" license apparently
(05:50:03 PM) emanuele:
(05:50:38 PM) emanuele: Bugo is the one that created the mod, so if he is committing it it should be fine
(05:51:17 PM) emanuele: and I suppose the mod is just include the library into the header, so nothing so copyrightable anyway...
(06:01:22 PM) Norv: I looked a bit but wasn't sure
(06:01:57 PM) Norv: if he commits on github, under the policy, though, yes.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #73

(10:38:18 PM) emanuele: :P

(10:30:17 PM) Norv: emanuele: opinions?
(10:39:58 PM) emanuele: No strong opinions, the avatar is a bit boring, that's all
(10:50:52 PM) Norv: Hmm... we could pick another, from a set of avatars... what was that one you folks chose
(11:12:43 PM) emanuele: It can be changed at any time, it doesn't break anything. :P

(11:21:49 PM) emanuele: So, in the end the "good" form is:
(11:21:51 PM) emanuele: call_integration_hook('integrate_messageindex_buttons', array(&$context['normal_buttons']));
(11:22:11 PM) emanuele: with the & and within an array
(11:22:16 PM) emanuele: good to know
(11:24:28 PM) emanuele: and setting the pass-by-ref on the function without it set on hook generates another error
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #74

(01:25:04 AM) groundup: You're eventually going to move from $context, right?
(01:36:39 AM) emanuele: Are we? Dunno...Norv knows these things...or Spuds.
(01:38:58 AM) Norv: No, I don't foresee it, nor real advantages. I am not a fan of $context, but for the necessary in templates it fits the purpose and is expected. And more importantly, we're not making an object oriented model.
(01:39:40 AM) groundup: Oh
(01:43:19 AM) Norv: I follow in a way (well, a way of) an architecture path which leads to a specific combination of object orientation with procedural parts. OOP model is not among them. :) Our in-progress .subs files do much of that job, and most will probably remain procedural.

(05:14:36 PM) Spuds entered the room.
(05:18:57 PM) emanuele: Hey Spuds-mail! :P
(05:19:47 PM) Spuds: lol
(05:20:15 PM) Trekkie101 entered the room.
(05:22:02 PM) Spuds: Hey trekkie, saw your issue report, thanks for putting it on github, its been discussed a few times on the site
(05:22:50 PM) Spuds: I'll take some time today and put in an update to see what we like ...
(05:28:02 PM) Trekkie101: I tried searching Spuds but everything has daft topic names :P
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.