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Changes to language strings Started by emanuele · · Read 94474 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #15

Not sure what that trailing /: are ?

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #16

Quote from: forumsearch0r2 – This is disturbing. Please merge them. dev... development... Aaaaaahhhhhh!
"Soonish" will be.
The patches branches are merged in master when the minor is released. For sure, when that happens, they are merged in development as well. But it may be that once in a while patches are merged in development as well.

Quote from: forumsearch0r2 – They apply to server-stored avatars but not to any server-stored avatar?!
 emanuele should not write while being tired...
The second server stored should be gallery I guess, of just nothing.

Quote from: forumsearch0r2 – remote: Permission to elkarte/Elkarte.git denied to dertuxmalwieder.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
You are pushing to the "central" (elkarte/elkarte) repo, not your:
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Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #17

Quote from: Jorin – Hm, then better delete them here and wait for the "final release"?
Track changes to the dev branch is not really worth at that moment. Honestly it's not worth until a beta is out, and at that moment it will be easier to download from transifex an updated version of the file...
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Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #18

Hm. Not happy with all this.  :(

I think I can send you the 100% translated and up to date german package soon. Please upload it to Transifex for me then. O:-)

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #19

But why? I mean, just switching the branch should not move the upstream server at all...
Thanks, will try it again tonight.

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #20

Quote from: forumsearch0r – But why? I mean, just switching the branch should not move the upstream server at all...
Dunno what you did on your local repo. :P
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Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #21

Even at there were multiple "lines" for each "minor" version (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1). And you have to "re-initialize" the translation of each version (you may just not have seen what was happening, because the procedure was: a team member creates the new "branch", upload the files and let translators access to translations). You can't avoid that, a new minor will bring new features, strings removed, etc. It's impossible to maintain only one translation for everything. And also, while the code is in development is normal that thing change, and language strings as well: new features require new strings, new strings may be wrong, new features may change after a while and strings may have to change accordingly. It's impossible to give the "final version" if it's a development work.
So you have two options: translate everything knowing in advance something will definitely change (and not be upset later because something changed), or wait until everything is almost stable and things should be close to finished.

I know it may sound annoying, but this is what development means. At SMF development was hidden and what you were seeing was just the "last step", so thing mostly settled and just minor changes. Here you can see everything, and you can see what development really means. ;)
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Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #22

Quote from: emanuele – Dunno what you did on your local repo. :P

Actually, nothing at all.  ???

Annoying branching is annoying.
Mind if I'll just wait until branches have settled?

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #23

Well, branches are settled, in the sense that they will be from two to three "forever":
master with the "stable" version,
development with the version in development,
* (optional) patch_something with updates for the stable version, that will be merged in master as soon as the patch is released.
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Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #24

... and "dev".

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #25


I can't see any dev... (and gh-pages is just for the file with the latest version of the files.)
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Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #26

Upcoming changes that will be distributed in 1.0.2 - part 1

Strings removed
Code: [Select]
$txt['avatar_max_width_external'] = 'Maximum width of external avatar';
$txt['avatar_max_height_external'] = 'Maximum height of external avatar';

$txt['option_html_resize'] = 'Let the HTML resize it';
$txt['option_js_resize'] = 'Resize it with JavaScript';
$txt['option_download_and_resize'] = 'Download and resize it (requires GD module)';

$txt['gravatar_groups'] = 'Member groups allowed to select a Gravatar';

$txt['avatar_max_width_upload'] = 'Maximum width of uploaded avatar';
$txt['avatar_max_height_upload'] = 'Maximum height of uploaded avatar';
$txt['avatar_resize_upload'] = 'Resize oversized large avatars';
$txt['avatar_resize_upload_note'] = '(requires GD module)';

$txt['avatar_server_stored_groups'] = 'Member groups allowed to select a server stored avatar';
$txt['avatar_upload_groups'] = 'Member groups allowed to upload an avatar to the server';
$txt['avatar_external_url_groups'] = 'Member groups allowed to select an avatar from an external URL';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$txt['avatar_max_width'] = 'Maximum width of avatars in pixels (px)';
$txt['avatar_max_height'] = 'Maximum height of avatars in pixels (px)';

$txt['option_resize'] = 'Let the CSS resize it';
$txt['option_download_and_resize'] = 'Download and resize it (requires GD module or ImageMagick)';

$txt['avatar_gravatar_enabled'] = 'Enable use of gravatars';

$txt['avatar_external_enabled'] = 'Enable use of external (remote/URL) avatars';

$txt['avatar_resize_options'] = 'Server storage options';
$txt['avatar_upload_enabled'] = 'Enable the upload of avatars';

$txt['avatar_stored_enabled'] = 'Enable the selection of server stored avatars';
$txt['profile_set_avatar'] = 'Member groups allowed to select an avatar';
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #27

Upcoming changes that will be distributed in 1.0.2 - part 2

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$editortxt['Split Tag'] = 'Split quote at cursor (ctrl+enter)';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$txt['admin_backup_database_subject'] = 'A database backup has been taken';
$txt['admin_backup_database_body'] = '{REALNAME},

this email is to to inform you that {BAK_REALNAME} has just downloaded a backup of the database at {FORUMNAME}.


$txt['editing_theme_subject'] = 'Editing of a theme';
$txt['editing_theme_body'] = '{REALNAME},

this email is just to to inform you that {EDIT_REALNAME} is going to edit the template file:
of the theme {THEME_NAME} at {FORUMNAME}.

If you know this is not the case, please investigate the event.

Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #28

Upcoming changes that will be distributed in 1.0.2 - part 3

Strings removed
Code: [Select]
$txt['cannot_profile_server_avatar'] = 'You are not permitted to use a server stored avatar.';
$txt['cannot_profile_upload_avatar'] = 'You do not have permission to upload an avatar.';
$txt['cannot_profile_remote_avatar'] = 'You don\'t have the privilege of using a remote avatar.';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$txt['cannot_profile_set_avatar'] = 'You are not permitted to change your avatar.';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$helptxt['avatar_resize_options'] = 'This set of options apply to any avatar loaded to the server by users, either uploaded or retrieved from an external URL.';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$txt['security_database_download'] = 'For security reasons, in order to proceed with the download of the backup you have to provide the FTP data:';
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Changes to language strings

Reply #29

Upcoming changes that will be distributed in 1.0.2 - part 4

Strings removed
Code: [Select]
$txt['permissionname_profile_server_avatar'] = 'Select an avatar from the server';
$txt['permissionhelp_profile_server_avatar'] = 'If enabled this will allow a user to select an avatar from the avatar collections installed on the server.';
$txt['permissionname_profile_upload_avatar'] = 'Upload an avatar to the server';
$txt['permissionhelp_profile_upload_avatar'] = 'This permission will allow a user to upload their personal avatar to the server.';
$txt['permissionname_profile_remote_avatar'] = 'Choose a remotely stored avatar';
$txt['permissionhelp_profile_remote_avatar'] = 'Because avatars might influence the page creation time negatively, it is possible to disallow certain member groups to use avatars from external servers.';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$txt['permissionname_profile_set_avatar'] = 'Select an avatar';
$txt['permissionhelp_profile_set_avatar'] = 'If enabled this will allow a user to select an avatar.';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$txt['modlog_ac_database_backup'] = 'Database backup taken by {member}.';
$txt['modlog_ac_editing_theme'] = '{member} edited a theme.';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$txt['package_ftp_bad_server'] = 'Could not contact server.';

Strings removed
Code: [Select]
$txt['group_perms_name_profile_server_avatar'] = 'Select a server avatar';
$txt['group_perms_name_profile_upload_avatar'] = 'Upload an avatar';
$txt['group_perms_name_profile_remote_avatar'] = 'Choose a remote avatar';

Strings added
Code: [Select]
$txt['group_perms_name_profile_set_avatar'] = 'Select an avatar';
Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 12:45:03 pm by emanuele
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.