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Reply #225

(04:26:20 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] joshuaadickerson opened pull request #427: Participation (master...Participation)

(06:35:26 AM) groundup: Ugh, trying to figure out which of these dozen get board functions will help me out. Looks like none of them can replace Post.subs.php -> // Load the actual board names

(06:56:38 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] joshuaadickerson opened pull request #428: Notifications (master...Notifications)

(12:04:26 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #430: Cleanups (master...cleanups)
(12:05:02 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 4 new commits to master:
(12:05:02 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master ca15628 Norv: Missed pass-by-ref. Remove fix_prefix compatibility and use it through $db....
(12:05:02 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 6082392 Norv: Fix buggy use of globals....
(12:05:02 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master a5f72c5 Norv: Update documentation for fix_prefix....

(06:50:49 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #431: Querystring.php (master...querystring.php)

(08:06:30 PM) groundup: Norv, what do you think about moving those index.php calls (loadTheme, loadMember, etc) to Controller and then extending that from each controller. It gives the controllers a lot more control
(08:08:55 PM) Norv: Not sure (having just looked at them it feels like small changes to organize the code would be better.). Btw, groundup please check
(08:09:18 PM) groundup: I did already
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #226

(08:57:57 PM) Norv: O:-)
(09:58:57 PM) groundup: thanks
(09:59:39 PM) groundup: Now your turn to merge ;P

(10:01:00 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 19 new commits to master:
(10:01:00 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 7e2ad64 Joshua Dickerson: Save a query for all guests on the post screen and that same saved query can also save a query in other occasions...
(10:01:00 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 2069340 Joshua Dickerson: add createPoll()...
(10:01:00 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master d7f32c8 Joshua Dickerson: Calendar events have subs...

(08:12:22 PM) groundup: In index.php, // Seed the random generator.
(08:12:52 PM) groundup: That should be done on install. If it is blank after that, it should generate a warning
(10:00:27 PM) groundup: what do you think about the index.php thing? I want to remove it but I don't want to cause issues

(10:04:56 PM) Norv: I don't see how can it be moved, Josh, let it be executed at every request
(10:05:15 PM) groundup: I don't care that it is executed, I care that it is not there.
(10:05:31 PM) groundup: So, say you change the seed, you are changing "security" elements
(10:07:12 PM) groundup: If it is not there, it should trigger some kind of warning. That goes along with all of these pre-include checks. If the settings are wrong, trigger a warning. Better to have them checked by an administrator.
(10:10:15 PM) Norv: The point is, it should be executed each request, so that quite often it changes
(10:10:41 PM) Norv: I don't see how you'd do that if it's only executed once at install.
(10:11:33 PM) groundup: Hmm... don't see how I screwed that one up lol
(10:11:51 PM) groundup: I am just now drinking my first cup of coffee. Should have done that earlier.
(10:12:25 PM) Norv: LOL

(10:35:33 PM) Norv: groundup: you'll want to keep in mind to keep your master updated. git checkout master; git pull elkarte master. And, on branches, rebase (or merge) from master as often as possible. i.e.: git rebase master
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #227

(10:37:18 PM) Norv: emanuele: when do we do the next database layer update? Probably, next and last, or close to.
(10:37:46 PM) emanuele: when you want... what's left to do?
(10:38:00 PM) Norv: A miriad of search/replace
(10:39:16 PM) Norv:
(10:40:24 PM) groundup: Yay! A commit with every file changed ;)
(10:40:52 PM) Norv: All (hopefully) $smcFunc replaced. Quite so! Except them admin controllers, cuz they don't have queries!
(10:41:12 PM) Norv: Well most of them. /remembers my 'friend' Themes.
(10:41:59 PM) emanuele: lol
(10:42:12 PM) emanuele: I didn't realize this was still missing
(10:42:34 PM) emanuele: Search&Replace FTW!
(10:42:38 PM) Norv: 10% were done, 90% are left :D
(10:43:32 PM) emanuele: 4859 occurrences of $smcFunc
(10:43:37 PM) emanuele:
(10:44:46 PM) groundup: Well, hopefully you're doing it staged... replace all of the database calls, then all the util, then figure out where $smcFunc is still globalized and remove it
(10:45:13 PM) groundup: (that is how I was going to do it but I figured you were already started lol)
(10:46:56 PM) emanuele: Well, we could even work on that while doing other things
(10:47:16 PM) emanuele: not as clean...
(10:48:43 PM) Norv: groundup: sort of, remember though that we need to add to every call a retrieval of database()
(10:49:00 PM) Norv: so it's not blind search/replace unfortunately
(10:50:04 PM) Norv: The way I did so far (with rarely used functions) has been to pick one, replace all its occurences, and remove it from compatibility array.
(10:50:05 PM) emanuele: it can be a blind search and replace and then a huge hunt for the missing database() :P
(10:50:10 PM) Norv: hehe
(10:51:13 PM) Norv: btw, we could do database()->query('stuff'), but I didn't so far. As element of style I guess, and because many functions have more calls, I'd rather have a nice clear line initializing the thing...
(10:51:24 PM) Norv: Or so I thought so far, anyway.
(10:54:25 PM) Norv: groundup: feel free! I'm happy to split O:-) you can take db_num_rows, for example. One without many occurrences! :D
(10:55:14 PM) emanuele: s/^\tglobal(.*)(\$smcFunc)(.*);$/\t$1$2;\n\n$db = database();\n/
(10:55:35 PM) emanuele: then you hunt just the files with syntax errors :P
(10:55:42 PM) emanuele: lol
(10:57:01 PM) Norv: lol
(11:02:09 PM) ***emanuele tries
(11:31:27 PM) ***Norv starts db_insert_id, and gets sidetracked in many queries in repair boards
(11:43:27 PM) ***emanuele replaced everything, now testing
(11:45:18 PM) Norv: Oh lol cool!
(11:45:32 PM) ***Norv got bored of manual replacements :P
(11:55:18 PM) emanuele: A bit messy but seems to work... :P
(11:55:42 PM) Norv: Cool!
(11:56:17 PM) emanuele: Mostly...
(11:56:23 PM) emanuele:  :P

(11:57:37 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #432: Database layer updates (2) (master...database2)
(11:57:54 PM) Norv: I guess I shouldn't have sent my PR, but just FYI
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #228

(11:57:43 PM) emanuele: Norv:
(11:57:53 PM) emanuele: php tells me there is something wrong...
(11:59:33 PM) emanuele: Also in Db-sqlite-class.php function last_error is present twice

(12:03:32 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #433: DbTable package log fix (master...fixes)

(12:09:13 AM) Norv: Added!
(12:09:32 AM) Norv: Thank you!
(12:09:51 AM) Norv: Told you I can fight.
(12:10:51 AM) ***Norv is innocently waiting for more

(12:11:59 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 3 new commits to master:
(12:11:59 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 69a730d Norv: Fix leftover oops....
(12:11:59 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 44ec9b4 Norv: SQLite last_error() was duplicate. Thank you Ema!...

(12:12:02 AM) emanuele: Norv: did you kill $txtBirthdayEmails?
(12:14:19 AM) emanuele: also: return $$config_vars; in ManageServer
(12:15:13 AM) emanuele: $settings_not_writable in ManageLanguage
(12:15:40 AM) emanuele: and $context['invalid_badbehavior_httpbl_key'] in ManageSecurity
(12:15:51 AM) Norv: I think I didn't kill it birthdays...
(12:16:27 AM) emanuele: I tried an admin search and it gives an error on that variable...then probably is simply not loaded
(12:20:29 AM) Norv: I think things moved and it's not loaded when it should yes, will look at that too
(12:21:32 AM) emanuele: does ?action=moderate;area=groups;sa=requests work for you?
(12:21:57 AM) emanuele: I get Fatal error: Class 'controllers/Groups_Controller' not found in
(12:22:33 AM) emanuele: (sorry for the many errors, but I'm testing the replacements... O:-))
(12:23:25 AM) emanuele: also ?action=moderate;area=settings
(12:23:33 AM) emanuele: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Modlog_Controller::action_moderationSettings()
(12:23:48 AM) emanuele: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Modlog_Controller::action_modEndSession()
(12:24:40 AM) Norv: ManageServer, fixed. ManageLanguage fixed.
(12:27:56 AM) Norv: ManageSecurity fixed.
(12:28:26 AM) emanuele: Fatal error: Call to undefined function action_mailingsend()
(12:31:01 AM) Norv: Groups_Controller fixed.
(12:31:37 AM) Norv: I'll get you! :D
(12:37:20 AM) emanuele: ?action=admin;area=languages;sa=settings
(12:37:36 AM) Norv: action_moderationSettings() and action_modEndSession(), fixed!

(01:08:19 AM) elk_core [] entered the room.
(01:08:19 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #434: More fixes, from Ema (master...fixes)
(01:08:20 AM) elk_core left the room.

(01:21:45 AM) ***Norv is still on for moar! takes coffee
(01:27:18 AM) emanuele: I'm playing with NetBeans (useful for missing global) and it tells me: DbTable_MySQL is not abstract and does not override abstract method elk_db_table_structure(...)
(01:27:38 AM) emanuele: postgres and sqlite don't "extends DbTable"
(01:28:02 AM) Norv: oh ok thank you, fixing
(01:36:35 AM) Norv: Fixed!
(01:39:10 AM) Norv: Well until proven differently.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.



Reply #229

(12:56:38 AM) emanuele: what do you think about db_case_sensitive as a static something?
(01:01:56 AM) Norv: why?
(01:27:53 AM) Norv: I see db_case_sensitive is used as expected, in member names search stuffs... IMHO it's premature to worry about performance of indirections (if this is the concern)... although it's true that db has at least one more than it could (I think)
(01:32:48 AM) emanuele: not really performance, just I didn't like to have $db = database() just for the case sensitive check... :P
(01:35:31 AM) emanuele: lucky you, I have no idea what it means... lol
(01:40:33 AM) Norv: Yes, well, they aren't many... the case sensitive checks, and probably we have there some almost-duplicate queries too
(01:41:40 AM) Norv: Perhaps we can review things later, when we know what stays where much better than right now. And do something with the singular calls, dunno
(01:43:48 AM) emanuele: nothing urgent nor important. ;)

(02:00:56 AM) Norv1: Is anyone fond of upgrade scripts in .sql?
(02:02:52 AM) emanuele: arg...I forgot to touch install.php and upgrade.php... :'(

(02:04:09 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 opened pull request #435: Database search and replace! (master...database_snr)

(02:04:20 AM) Norv1: I mean, of upgrade scripts specific format, defining blocks, with raw sql and other stuff
(02:04:44 AM) Norv1: Oh wow thank you!
(02:05:08 AM) emanuele: It would be nice to have 1 script understood by all the DBs...
(02:05:46 AM) emanuele: what do you have in mind?
(02:17:44 AM) Norv1: I'd rewrite the sql-ish scripts to php. Simple good old php. All steps in order, execute the thing.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #230

(02:18:36 AM) emanuele:
(02:18:38 AM) emanuele: YAY!
(02:19:24 AM) ichbin: woah. Talk about a tedious task. lol
(02:20:42 AM) emanuele:
(02:20:45 AM) emanuele: O:-)
(02:20:47 AM) emanuele: and more
(02:22:10 AM) ichbin: lol emanuele=>ubergeek ;)
(02:22:38 AM) emanuele: And then NetBeans to help find missing globals, yes tedious and a total of 3 hours... :O
(02:23:00 AM) ***emanuele uses google and trial&error... O:-)

(02:26:30 AM) ichbin: Been getting all the elkarte git emails. You guys are very busy. lol How have you been?
(02:27:57 AM) emanuele: very busy with Elkarte LOL
(02:28:47 AM) ichbin: haha
(02:30:30 AM) Norv: emanuele: Thank you!! I'm going to merge it. No point in not doing it, haz to be done.
(02:30:45 AM) emanuele: ROFL
(02:30:52 AM) emanuele: let's break it!

(02:31:24 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 17 new commits to master:
(02:31:24 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master b77f579 emanuele: WIP removing globals...
(02:31:24 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 4c10d87 emanuele: WIP removing globals...
(02:31:24 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master ed96515 emanuele: $smcFunc['db_query'] => $db->query...

(02:32:19 AM) ichbin: lol you guys are on a roll.

(02:46:33 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 8 new commits to master:
(02:46:34 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 7ed243a Norv: Fix oops on var access....
(02:46:34 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 46ad291 Norv: $settings_not_writable was not initialized. (thank you, Ema!)...
(02:46:34 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 9124219 Norv: A $context var wasn't initialized any longer where needed. (thank you Ema!)...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #231

(05:04:42 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #436: A few more leftovers (master...fixes)
(05:07:02 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 4 new commits to master:
(05:07:02 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 6a291c5 Norv: Missed object of action_mailingsend()...
(05:07:02 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master f0031cf Norv: Missed objects in calls. Small leftover formatting issues....
(05:07:02 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master d841e81 Norv: Formatting after automate changes :)...

(06:13:10 AM) elk_tools: [tools] norv opened pull request #9: Db updates (master...db_updates)
(06:55:50 AM) elk_tools: [tools] norv pushed 4 new commits to master:
(06:55:50 AM) elk_tools: tools/master 9d5f48e Norv: Updates to the db layer....
(06:55:50 AM) elk_tools: tools/master 611c97c Norv: Remove $smcFunc and other adaptations to db layer....
(06:55:50 AM) elk_tools: tools/master 6531e6c Norv: Add db_table()...

(06:57:20 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #437: Db layer updates (3) (master...database3)
(06:59:42 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 9 new commits to master:
(06:59:42 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 8efeb4e Norv: Update install script to db layer...
(06:59:42 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 3e5874f Norv: Update upgrade script to db layer...
(06:59:42 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master f8fdd0b Norv: Use $this reference instead of another set of calls. Remove compatibility for several functions....

(07:01:17 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 8 new commits to master:
(07:01:17 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master befeb11 Spuds: ! updates for html5 compliance ... someone else can move this to css if desired....
(07:01:17 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 502e881 Spuds: ! menu speed tweak, plus delay was removed from superclick ...
(07:01:17 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 1ffcb22 Spuds:  ! Update superfish to 1.7.2...

(03:25:42 PM) Norv: Shouldn't we remove fonts_old?
(03:25:54 PM) emanuele: mmm...
(03:26:08 PM) ***emanuele thinks it would be a good idea...
(03:26:20 PM) Norv: And, morning Ema. Glad you're alive today. :)
(03:27:18 PM) emanuele: Yes!
(03:27:23 PM) ***emanuele too
(03:27:25 PM) emanuele: lol
(03:29:17 PM) emanuele: I still have to start apache and mysql, a bit scared to find everything broken... :P
(03:38:41 PM) Norv: lol
(03:42:34 PM) Norv: They're quite fine, in random manual testing. Oh, I made a bunch of automated changes to tools
(03:43:03 PM) ***Norv doesn't think a few scripts will work at all
(03:58:41 PM) emanuele: lol

(04:24:23 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #438: A few hundred leftover newlines (master...database3)

(05:18:31 PM) Norv: Looks like we have this too
(05:21:40 PM) emanuele: really?
(05:21:46 PM) emanuele: It looks fine here...
(05:22:25 PM) emanuele: I cherry-picked but got an error and when I checked it was correct, I think Spuds or eurich fixed it
(05:24:17 PM) emanuele:
(05:28:38 PM) Norv: who knows what I was looking at
(05:30:00 PM) emanuele: ROFL
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #232

(05:47:47 PM) emanuele:
(05:47:50 PM) emanuele: I think I didn't push that to Elk right?
(05:47:59 PM) emanuele:
(05:48:23 PM) emanuele: is there any interest?
(05:49:53 PM) Norv: I can't find it in Elk (and I don't remember it)
(05:51:02 PM) Norv: I think it's a cool thing, to try to strenghten this

(05:56:43 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 2 new commits to master:
(05:56:44 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 8d77db1 Norv: A few hundred leftover newlines. :)...
(05:56:44 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master d9f6d2d Norv: Merge pull request #438 from norv/database3...

(06:14:38 PM) Norv:'s team page layout is all broken on chromium
(06:18:15 PM) ***emanuele thinks is broken everywhere

(06:25:55 PM) emanuele: github relative time is done with javascript.
(06:41:36 PM) groundup: There is a jQ plugin to do relative time IIRC

(09:39:00 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #439: css framework (master...cssframework)

(05/22/2013 12:52:56 AM) Norv: groundup, you may want to take a look at;426
(12:53:37 AM) Norv: (I have rebased to the updated master, after db layer)

(02:37:20 AM) elk_themes: [themes] norv opened pull request #6: Update CurveClassic (master...master)
(02:38:25 AM) elk_themes: [themes] norv pushed 2 new commits to master:
(02:38:26 AM) elk_themes: themes/master c590f91 Norv: Add licenses....
(02:38:26 AM) elk_themes: themes/master dec0636 Norv: Merge pull request #5 from norv/licenses...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #233

(02:40:35 AM) elk_themes: [themes] norv pushed 19 new commits to master:
(02:40:35 AM) elk_themes: themes/master 7ad5b02 Spuds: ! one more area that needed it to be window.elkVersion...
(02:40:35 AM) elk_themes: themes/master a1b1cba Spuds: ! Update the templates to add the option...
(02:40:35 AM) elk_themes: themes/master c9d7bc5 Spuds: ! More things that html5 would not like, mostly width/height on images for this batch...

(02:42:00 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 2 new commits to master:
(02:42:00 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 3356395 Norv: Removing CurveClassic from core....
(02:42:00 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 9351341 Norv: Merge pull request #421 from norv/classic...

(08:02:11 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #440: Mixed fixes and refactoring (master...cleanups)

(04:30:51 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #441: Elkpr/426 (master...elkpr/426)

(06:58:26 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #443: Bugs (master...bugs)
(06:59:43 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 3 new commits to master:
(06:59:43 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 9b9f20f Norv: Fix dispatching to default action...
(06:59:43 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 0489833 Norv: db_case_sensitive() is a method. Maybe it should be an attribute.....
(06:59:43 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 51b7b92 Norv: Merge pull request #443 from norv/bugs...

(07:00:15 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 5 new commits to master:
(07:00:15 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master ae7b25e Joshua Dickerson: Add updateAttachmentThumbnail()...
(07:00:15 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 94a3506 Joshua Dickerson: Use new $db...
(07:00:15 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master d2fe602 Joshua Dickerson: Send the id_msg...

(08:39:42 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 10 new commits to master:
(08:39:42 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 86d0062 Norv: Cleanup doc....
(08:39:42 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master a6cd126 Norv: addMembersToGroups() was not checking protected groups....
(08:39:42 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 0a0fc83 Norv: Remove require_once for Logging.php, it's always loaded, even in SSI....

(08:49:20 PM) Trekkie101: How easy is it to include a build number :P?
(09:09:21 PM) Trekkie101: How easy is it to throw build numbers into elk?
(09:09:34 PM) Trekkie101: I cant ever tell what features are now on the site :P
(09:10:02 PM) Norv: Sorry, Trekkie, I meant to, but got into other things
(09:10:18 PM) Trekkie101: :P Just being a total pest

(09:12:40 PM) Norv: ... increment num_posts if you're looking at the board through redirect?

(09:14:18 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #444: Theme bugs & tweaks (master...theme_bugs)

(09:14:25 PM) ***Norv keeps finding weird things in the code. Trolling the code ftw, I guess
(09:17:08 PM) emanuele: Same thing, I suppose it's because the number of redirects is stored as num_posts...
(09:17:48 PM) Norv: :(
(09:18:53 PM) emanuele: yeah...I would expect least
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #234

(09:24:39 PM) Norv: >> (01:23:34 AM) ***emanuele needs recursive chmod and chown
(09:24:39 PM) Norv: Iz there: chmod -R /stuff. Or did you mean something else?
(09:24:54 PM) emanuele: python equivalent
(09:26:50 PM) Norv: Mmm dunno... Whatcha doing in python?
(09:26:53 PM) ***emanuele started looking at a script that downloads from github, extracts, installs and does some testing
(09:27:19 PM) Norv: Cool!
(09:27:32 PM) emanuele: but I know nothing of python except I hate it (but I'm using it because of mechanize
(09:28:21 PM) emanuele: at the moment the script downloads and extracts, now I have to ensure the files are properly chowned and chmodded
(09:31:49 PM) Norv: I'd just go through directories...

(09:28:28 PM) Norv:
(09:29:13 PM) emanuele: interesting use of template_button_strip
(09:29:25 PM) emanuele: nevermind
(09:29:27 PM) emanuele: I'm drunk

(09:32:19 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 5 new commits to master:
(09:32:20 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 2f74a9b Thorsten Eurich: missing variant images.....
(09:32:20 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 02aa7cd Thorsten Eurich: syntax error in index.css...
(09:32:20 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 509179a Thorsten Eurich: small tweaks, better smartphone and mobile support....
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #235

(10:40:25 PM) groundup: What are your thoughts on using if (ini_get($env) === false) putenv($env . '=' . $setting) ; and then using ini_get for settings?
(10:40:54 PM) groundup: Wait, before you answer, not necessarily for Elkarte but for software in general
(10:41:31 PM) groundup: *ini_set() sorry
(10:43:28 PM) groundup: PRO: you can setup things in based on the environment
(10:58:09 PM) Norv: If I understand correctly, I think it ends up unmaintainable. Better off handling your settings per app.

(05/23/2013 12:02:30 AM) emanuele:
(12:02:54 AM) emanuele: At least it says: ELKARTE Installer :D
(12:04:54 AM) emanuele: Now the funny part begins
(12:10:27 AM) Norv: YAY!
(12:10:57 AM) Norv: Hey this looks like fun! :D
(12:16:10 AM) ***Norv goes back to breaking miscellaneous code. MessageIndex time...
(12:17:49 AM) ***Norv hurries cuz after automated testing I might not be so able to break things...
(12:26:27 AM) emanuele: meh... mechanize documentation is worse than SMF's one...
(12:55:24 AM) emanuele: fingers crossed...
(01:08:21 AM) emanuele:
(01:08:30 AM) emanuele: It installs Elkarte from github!! :D
(01:21:51 AM) emanuele: Norv while installing I always have problems with db_last_error.php that is not present...

(02:20:31 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #445: Misc refactoring (master...cleanups)

(02:34:13 AM) ***groundup beats Norv like a bad dog
(02:34:32 AM) groundup: (tried to come up with something much better and I am a HUGE animal lover)
(02:35:34 AM) groundup: My dogs were just going crazy for a minute
(02:35:41 AM) groundup: Anyway... the reason I am beating you..
(02:36:34 AM) groundup: I started to remove LIMIT 1 on PKs. It only adds an extra bit of parsing. Pretty much negligible but it's still there :P
(02:38:08 AM) groundup: combine with
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #236

(01:19:40 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 21 new commits to master:
(01:19:40 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 04b2cca Norv: Switch permissions to be handled by the maintenance page....
(01:19:41 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 1db7a5f Norv: Pedantry....
(01:19:41 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 8d6c3ee Norv: Refactor action_credits, use Who.subs....

(03:34:02 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #446: Cleanups (master...cleanups)

(03:47:41 PM) Norv: Thanks Ema!
(03:49:13 PM) Norv: I love it how refactoring even small things makes obvious some bug :D
(04:05:40 PM) Norv: $next ? <  headscratch
(04:27:33 PM) ***emanuele is innocent
(04:27:48 PM) emanuele: dunno...if it works is correct, why is correct...well...
(04:40:30 PM) Norv: I don't think it works :D but dunno what mess I did either...gotta check with less changes
(04:51:16 PM) emanuele: arg querystring is broken... lol
(04:53:18 PM) Norv: Now? Or with the PR? What is broken?
(04:53:27 PM) emanuele: the @todo
(04:54:07 PM) Norv: ?
(04:54:12 PM) emanuele: BTW it works as in SMF the next/previous
(04:54:27 PM) emanuele: ah okay you fixed it!
(04:54:29 PM) emanuele: :P
(04:54:41 PM) emanuele: I still have to update master
(04:54:52 PM) Norv: Dun scare me with breaking QueryString lol.
(04:55:07 PM) emanuele: :D
(04:55:14 PM) emanuele: :P

(04:55:23 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 22 new commits to master:
(04:55:23 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 069867f emanuele: $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars'] => Util::htmlspecialchars...
(04:55:23 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master c2c10bf emanuele: $smcFunc['substr'] => Util::substr...
(04:55:23 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 8821f3a emanuele: $smcFunc['ucwords'] => Util::ucwords...

(05:05:28 PM) Norv: brb. btw Ema if you feel those templates PRs are ready grab them
(05:07:04 PM) emanuele: I think I'll merge the two first, rebase and then merge...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #237

(07:18:12 PM) emanuele: why every time I push something without test it is broken... lol
(07:18:54 PM) TehCraw: The question is why you push without testing? :P
(07:21:55 PM) emanuele: because testing is useless! :P
(07:22:24 PM) TehCraw: I can understand that it's no fun, but I wouldn't say useless. LOL
(07:23:38 PM) emanuele: Testing is fun! (if it is someone else that does it :P)
(07:25:04 PM) TehCraw: That's what QA is for.
(07:27:50 PM) ***emanuele prefers instruct a computer to do boring things... O:-)
(07:29:03 PM) TehCraw: Don't think you're ever going to be able to instruct a computer to test your code changes, beyond checking for errors. ;)
(07:30:21 PM) emanuele: that's already something :P
(07:30:37 PM) TehCraw: Can't argue with that.
(07:31:05 PM) Norv: Sure you can. Unit testing ftw.
(07:32:30 PM) TehCraw: Well sure, if you want to go the route of continuous integration, but I've never heard of people using unit testing on a functional paradigm.
(07:33:10 PM) TehCraw: I suppose it could be done though.
(07:34:14 PM) TehCraw: I sure as heck don't want to be the one to figure out how to test all of SMF's functions though. Especially the ones that are hundreds of lines long. :P
(07:35:19 PM) ***emanuele is fool enough O:-)
(07:37:02 PM) TehCraw: That would be a feat in itself. If you managed to test all of SMF's functions, you deserve and award for bravery and iron will.
(07:40:48 PM) Norv: Oh, for sure. But we have already - and are reworking this code. We'll get it in shape.
(07:41:53 PM) Norv: Actually parseBBC as long as it is, can be almost done (and has been). It's not that much lenght as it is about the darned side-effects introduced by all the tricks in the world
(07:42:30 PM) Norv: Feel free to take a look and propose further improvements! :) What would you like to see?
(07:44:38 PM) TehCraw: What I would like to see is an OOP base. I can see you're working on that already, so well done. :)
(07:45:24 PM) TehCraw: I thought smCore was a work of art before it died.
(07:47:51 PM) Norv: :)
(07:49:35 PM) TehCraw: Too bad fustrate left. He was good.
(07:49:43 PM) Norv: Nothing lives too long around But anyway, if you want to improve this OOP base, feel free to. We don't want all thingies in the world, but the essentials are sort of there (and need help :) )
(07:50:57 PM) TehCraw: I've been pretty busy, but if I find some time, I'll send a few PRs.
(07:58:41 PM) Norv: Don't worry, just play around with it when you're in the mood to. If you have something you want to chip in, please feel free to.

(07:58:33 PM) emanuele: What do you think about splitting Profile.template.php in a couple or three files?...
(07:59:10 PM) ***Norv agrees without looking at the template (I think I remember thinking the same). Shouldn't it "follow" the controller?
(07:59:18 PM) Norv: And there are more of them
(07:59:54 PM) emanuele: think so, at the moment it's the biggest with about 3k lines and 122kb
(08:00:19 PM) emanuele: (almost twice PM template that is the second largest one)
(08:00:53 PM) Norv: LOL there are 6 controllers for profile stuff
(08:01:09 PM) Norv: O:-)
(08:01:16 PM) ***Norv thinks that was me
(08:01:28 PM) emanuele: ...
(08:02:10 PM) Norv: Per profile area

(08:57:25 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #447: Bug fixes (master...cleanups)
(08:58:20 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 4 new commits to master:
(08:58:20 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 442e7a5 Norv: Fix wrong variable...
(08:58:20 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master fa920b3 Norv: Pedantry....
(08:58:20 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 1377f7b Norv: Fix installer after db layer changes....

(09:30:12 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 opened pull request #448: Template layers (master...template_layers)

(09:40:04 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #449: Red variant (master...red_variant)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #238

(01:53:36 AM) emanuele: Norv

(09:12:02 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 7 new commits to master:
(09:12:02 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 4114784 Thorsten Eurich: red variant initial commit....
(09:12:02 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master cb7d7ab Thorsten Eurich: css tweaks.....
(09:12:02 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 69c07a6 Thorsten Eurich: Variant support for our advertising logo .....

(09:24:59 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 22 new commits to master:
(09:24:59 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master fb1d18e emanuele: Using alias for messages table make the query more flexible...
(09:24:59 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 203bdd3 emanuele: Unused variable...
(09:24:59 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 773962a emanuele: Template layers may look good in a class with some priority parameter to better define the order...

(04:30:29 PM) emanuele: Norv, quick question when you have time:
(04:30:40 PM) emanuele: do you have any idea why 2 queries and not just one?
(04:31:42 PM) emanuele: (SMF code just because the two queries are on the same page, in Elk we refactored the two queries in two different functions)
(04:31:58 PM) emanuele: If we just grab group_name in the first query should be exactly the same... am I missing anything?
(04:34:33 PM) emanuele: Elk equivalent:
(04:34:49 PM) emanuele: getGroups and membergroupsById

(04:49:48 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 opened pull request #450: Reorg function (master...reorg_function)

(06:57:26 PM) Norv: emanuele, (on the run, sorry) One query seems better indeed. And, hah, getGroups() and membergroupsById() are... interesting. Looks like getGroups() is only used in Announce
(06:58:13 PM) Norv: Personally, I don't mind smaller functions for quick queries, with one-two fields. But this could be argued redundant too
(07:24:22 PM) emanuele: yep, getGroups seems to return a slightly different array (i.e. getGroups addes the regular members), but indeed it may be worth looking into merge the two
(07:25:31 PM) emanuele: On this kind of functions in general, I'm changing my mind every time I wrote one... lol
(07:27:53 PM) emanuele: In the last couple I used the approach to pass "keys" to define alternative query SELECT or WHERE instead of passing multiple arguments, so that the functions seem to be more flexible and reusable (like fetchBoardsInfo or retrieveMemberData), though I'm always unsure when it's the moment to stop... lol
(07:28:33 PM) Norv: lol yes. Well, by the rework we're doing, we're finding out (and stopping at) more uses, and thereby potential for a better solution. Which isn't always to generalize everything either.
(07:31:01 PM) Norv: Things could go towards too much, it's not reusable if modders won't remember/understand what are all parameters and not able to use it well

(07:36:57 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] eurich opened pull request #451: Theme fixes (master...theme_fixes)

(07:43:15 PM) emanuele: Well, at the moment I think more of make functions reusable inside the core. :P
(07:44:25 PM) emanuele: Less query FTW! O:-)
(07:45:06 PM) emanuele: 294 instances of $db->query left in /controllers/
(07:54:29 PM) emanuele: 293
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #239

(07:56:48 PM) emanuele:
(07:58:17 PM) emanuele: isn't the m.id_msg = {int:id_msg} enough?
(08:09:10 PM) Norv: Same as we had before, methinks. Extra check that the passed message is in the expected topic. It makes sense here (unlike reporttm()) because we'll act on it.

(08:14:51 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 4 new commits to master:
(08:14:51 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 5c9e15d Thorsten Eurich: let's welcome back the quick buttons.....
(08:14:51 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 18574e7 Thorsten Eurich: many, many display template fixes for mobile devices and tablets.....
(08:14:51 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 41ab55a Thorsten Eurich: leftover.....

(11:35:31 PM) emanuele: How bad practice is use functions as argument of foreach? O:-)

(08:47:03 AM) elk_net: [] norv pushed 6 new commits to master:
(08:47:03 AM) elk_net: 74d9e30 Norv: Update files...
(08:47:03 AM) elk_net: 51b33a2 Norv: Updates....
(08:47:03 AM) elk_net: 9dac682 Norv: Another update - current dev version....

(08:58:18 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #453: This fixes an issue with $db_persist undefined on step 3 of installer. (master...picks)
(08:59:00 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 2 new commits to master:
(08:59:00 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 27cf9d9 Adam Tallon: This fixes an issue with $db_persist undefined on step 3 of installer....
(08:59:00 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master bc3312e Norv: Merge pull request #453 from norv/picks...

(09:27:41 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #454: CRLF -> LF (master...crlf)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.