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Strings missing Started by Adrek · · Read 15395 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Downloaded language files are...

Strings missing

File Profile.english.php:
There is this line that cannot be translated, because it's missing from transifex index:
Code: [Select]
$txt['password_success'] = 'Your password was changed successfully.<br /><a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=login">Click here to login</a>.';

Issue is when translation contains ElkArte variable, $context, $scripturl etc.
Downloaded file has 446 lines, but transifex sees only 437 lines.

Re: Strings missing

Reply #1

In case there is no way to tell transifex to use concatenations, I see two options:
1) do the translations off-line and hope transifex is able to understand the files once pushed,
2) (not yet finished). <= now is completed.

Option one is a guess, option two is a pain (but, TBH, is a pain that sooner or later we will have to face no matter what: text strings should not contain php concatenations, so at some point we'll have to get rid of them all).

In the meantime, I'll try option one to see if it works.
But for the "final" solution, up to you guys. Let me know. ;D
Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 12:52:34 pm by emanuele
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Re: Strings missing

Reply #2

Okay, the strings have been updated in the github repository.
I think @TE is pushing the files manually, am I right?
If so let's give him time to upload the new files.
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Re: Strings missing

Reply #3

Quote from: emanuele – I think @TE is pushing the files manually, am I right?
Nope, the files have the auto-update feature from Transifex enabled.... They are updated from time to time, not sure about the interval though... However we could use the API to enforce the file updates..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Strings missing

Reply #4

Ohh... okay! LOL
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Re: Strings missing

Reply #5

In language editor index.english.php is missing key admin_maintenance_active and admin_session_active
Code: [Select]
$txt['admin_session_active'] = 'You have an active admin session in place. We recommend to <strong><a class="strong" href="%1$s">end this session</a></strong> once you have finished your administrative tasks.';

$txt['admin_maintenance_active'] = 'Your forum is currently in maintenance mode, only admins can log in.  Remember to <strong><a class="strong" href="%1$s">exit maintenance</a></strong> once you have finished your administrative tasks.';

But  I think that I already translated this two strings...

Now I see that more strings are not in Transifex editor... I'm going to wait for RC and translate all files manually...
Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 03:46:22 pm by phantom

Re: Strings missing

Reply #6

The new untranslated strings are due to the recent changes that brought back all those not visible before.
No strings were added recently.
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Re: Strings missing

Reply #7

I know that.

But I'm sure that i translated those and few more and now when file is downloaded this is not translated. 
Another example: template_parse_error_details:

As you can see key is translated (3 days ago), but here (in file from today) it's not:

Re: Strings missing

Reply #8

Ahhh... you mean here at ?

I feel the cronjob is not running properly, the timestamp of the files is a week old (6/6/2014).
Maybe @TE can check if something is wrong somewhere around the tx pull time. O:-)
Bugs creator.
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Re: Strings missing

Reply #9

That would explain it ::)

OT: But still TF has few issues that are annoying (for example, translation needs to have the same number of parentheses which is impossible in some cases..)

Re: Strings missing

Reply #10

Can you provide with an example?
There are several ways to fix things, and if TX is not the best tool for translation it may be worth explore other solutions.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Strings missing

Reply #11

A little "ETA" worth a second post.

As a general note, those like you that work with translations are the best to provide ideas and/or fixes for language strings and localization procedures.

Bring up any problem you are facing is the most important step in order to find a solution, because without knowing that a problem exists to begin with nobody can "fix" it in any way.

Then, if you have any suggestion for either provide a better translation/localization framework, or improve the original language strings, of course these are of great help, again because you are the people that read strings the most, I for one, working on the code I just read the indexes, I don't know how most of the strings appear in English. I see them when I do translations in Italian, and then I can see if there is a problem, any kind of problem, it may be a string that is difficult to translate, a string that is ambiguous, a string that may require tricks or adjustments and so on.
Really, the language the script will talk depends a lot on your work, and not only for the language you know best, but for all of them, including English. ;D
Bugs creator.
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Re: Strings missing

Reply #12

Quote from: emanuele – Can you provide with an example?
There are several ways to fix things, and if TX is not the best tool for translation it may be worth explore other solutions.
well... dont know why or how but now translation can be approved... must be some glitch in TF.

Re: Strings missing

Reply #13

Quote from: emanuele – Maybe @TE can check if something is wrong somewhere around the tx pull time. O:-)
Edited the cron job again, hopefully it fixes the issue..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Strings missing

Reply #14

Unfortunately it didnt fixed it :|

EmailTemplates was updated by me 3 days ago, and it is 100% completed.

Key forgot_password_body and activate_reactivate_body and few others are still in English in package downloaded few minutes ago.