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Unusual URL appended to my domain Started by elk_is_cool · · Read 5536 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Unusual URL appended to my domain

Im getting this at the end of my domain URL :

I was hoping for just :  my domain. com

Is it something I'm doing wrong or setup on my host wrong?  I do have SEO friendly URL's ticked.   When clicking on a forum inside the main forum. the URL's show up correctly, this only happens on the main page.

My other 2 Elk forum URL's display correctly and there on the same host.  So it must be something I've done on this one forum.
Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 07:37:51 pm by elk_is_cool

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #1

Thats the PHP session being injected for guests.
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Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #2

I too had the same problem and i blocked phpsessid in robots.txt to display only normal url

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #3

Oh, OK.  I wonder why my other 2 Elk forums don't do that, and, what would I need to add to the robots.txt?  Thanks ...

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #4

Which one is the youngest forum?
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Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #5

@elk_is_cool This was the code suggested to me

Disallow: *PHPSESSID

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #6

Interesting you ask.   That would be the one that is doing this.   (coffeeforum. xyz)

@Jason ...thank you.  Will wait and see what Emanuele says, then will try that.

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #7

ElkArte already gives google all the info it needs to avoid this (i.e. a canonical URL). Google, though, takes a bit to digest that, usually in few... weeks? Months? I'm not sure, but sooner rather than later will start considering what the script tells it to do and will discard the URLs with the session ID.

Honestly, setting up a robot.txt will not really help indexing IMO, because the session is sent out anyway, and google will just stop reading the pages, making the whole process slower. But of course that's just my guess, not the opinion of a SEO guru.
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Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #8

Interesting!  I did not know that.  I'll just leave it alone then and wait on Googles spiders to quit eyeing my session ID's.
They did stop on my other two forums, so I'll wait it out.
Thanks Emanuele

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #9

@emanuele I will remove the restriction in robots.txt and i found this made my site to get indexed slowly :( (the one i suggested)

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #10

Just for grins and giggles, I went to meta tag analizyer and tested my forum and got this:

Meta Tag Analyzer - Results

Now analyzing:    http://...........

Warning: The URL you entered sent a redirect "Location: HEADER" response. Below are the redirect "Location: HEADER" responses sent by your web server:


Redirection may and often does cause problems with search engines and is the reason for our warning.

The error report below is based on the information found at the final location:

Error: The robots.txt file for this site was not delivered by your web server as "plain text" as required by the robots exclusion standard. Some search engines may get confused and may not be able to index this website. We suggest you correct this as soon as possible.

I don't even see a robots.txt in my Elk folder on the host.   As "plain text?"  Wonder what that's about.  Should I make robot.txt? Apparently, their spider didn't like the redirection in my URL.
Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 09:15:03 am by elk_is_cool

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #11

I test there but I am not given that any header's or robot's warning as yours. Only title, meta description and keywords advice given as it claims google and yahoo take those as important.

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #12

Well, I put a snippet of my URL (the last part where is said REDIRECT) in Google and it took me to a "repair tool" at the SMF forums.  I took a chance that it would work on Elk and it did!  SMF said to upload "repair_settings.php" and then go to it.  I simply followed the instructions and it worked for the REDIRECT problem.  Now it looks like PHPSESSID is gone too.    Yes!


Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 08:54:52 am by elk_is_cool

Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #13

The redirect is because of the "www VS non-www" thingy.
Basically if you point to your domainname.tld version, but you have configured in Elk www.domainname.tld, then Elk will redirect you to the "www" version. If you want to avoid that configure it with the domain without www. <= that sentence is a bit awkward. lol
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Re: Unusual URL appended to my domain

Reply #14

Your correct Emanuele, I actually remember that setting option when I was first installing the forum, I chose to use www. my domain. com   If I'd known it would cause all this, I would have avoided the www.