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Chit Chat / How long can you tread water?
Last post by Steeley -
@badmonkey , @Spuds

Now that Helene's and Milton's 8-state pool party is over.. I hope you guys are high and dry and living the life, and not clinging to branches and wondering where the house went. 


Pipe in and put my concerns to rest..
Bug Reports / Warning: Undefined array key "href"
Last post by radu81 -
I do get a lot of these warnings in /sources/subs/Metadata.integrate.php Line 238:

Code: [Select]
230: 	$smd = array(
231: '@context' => '',
232: '@type' => 'DiscussionForumPosting',
233: '@id' => $this->data['href'],
234: 'headline' => $this->getPageTitle(),
235: 'author' => array(
236: '@type' => 'Person',
237: 'name' => $this->data['member']['name'],
238: 'url' => $this->data['member']['href']
239: ),

I am using PHP 8.1
Bug Reports / Dates in english
Last post by radu81 -
I did a migration to a new VPS (from Ubuntu 18 to Debian 12) and after that all my dates are in english instead of italian. Relative dates (like today, yesterday, last week, etc ) are displayed correctly into italian.


IIRC there was something on the Elk error log, but I just cleaned the log :embarrassed:
Support / Re: Upon package download, strtr(): Ignoring replacement of empty string
Last post by Steeley -
Yea, it even outlasted my Zenith Data Systems XT.  :wink:
(I confess I had to take apart and clean up the floppy drive units - they were pretty gummy, but once they were cleaned and freed up they booted, and ran a space battle game floppy I had (the first software I ever actually purchased - which I thought was criminal ... actually selling software?) Greedy Heretics... :unamused:

Anyway, I resurrected it for a party about 4 months ago, figuring some friends would  be amazed and their grandkids would enjoy it, but it was the adults that took it over. 
Fly to a sector, CTRL+L for long range scan, "radar' paint shows a Klingon ship (+)  in the sector behind a planet (0).  Type Ctrl+T/47 [enter], fire a torpedo (47 degrees), display repaints, shows hit.. Ctrl+W/2/180 [enter] to back up at warp 2 because the Klingon fired a torpedo at you.... Slower than snot on an icecube but the wait was great - "Did I hit it?" Oh hell, it shot at me, enter next command quick.. now wait..  did it miss me? Did it MISS ME???  Ah It missed me, YeeHaw! :stuck_out_tongue:  Let's see what's in the next sector...

The 5 y/o loved "Worm" which was also on the floppy.

BTW, if you ever get the chance to fire up a MS-DOS v 5.0, (or earlier) you will discover that, yes, you can delete a file using the stock DOS command C:> del filename.ext  
..but you can also erase it using the (undocumented) CP/m command C:>ERA filename.ext. I think MS didn't remove the original CP/m commands from the pirated CP/m kernel until DOS 6.1  or 6.2...
If Gary Kildall at DR had been on the ball he could have owned Microsoft..
Support / Re: Upon package download, strtr(): Ignoring replacement of empty string
Last post by Steeley -
Might contact Musk and see how he's coming along with Neurolink.. 

[Uber driver posted up in another forum about a girl he picked up at a bar to take home.
 She got really upset and told him that thing he kept messing with on the console was
 really bothering her, and asked him to stop playing with it.
 She'd never been in a stick shift car before.  :joy:  ]

Quote from: Sciller4 – Doing it manually sucks, but it's better than nothing.

Ahh, how far we've come.. my first computer was the latest Xerox 820, 64K ram, Intel 8080 chip, dual 5 1/4 double-side double-density floppies, no hard drive. The only software provided was the CPm operating system. If you wanted it to do anything, you had to write your own code.. [BTW, I still have it, after 45 years, it still works!]