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Custom Themes / [Theme] Gruesome
Last post by Spuds -
Here is a shiny new (ok not new at all) dark theme.   This is a development continuation and packaging of the Gruesome Theme, discussed here:

A dark theme with shades of chocolate.   Contains very few borders or round corners and uses dark gradients in many areas.

The board index layout has changed for a cleaner look. The topic index was also rearranged for a more compact look.   There are many adjustments thorough the interface, so enjoy.

I've not heavily tested all mobile or admin areas.  Couple of quick screen shots below:

Download link:
Support / Re: Changing account details and encountering an error ?
Last post by Denis M. -
Quote from: Spuds –
Quote from: Denis M. – Yeah it was pretty weird since the theme seemed pretty up to date at first glance, thanks that would be great for anyone wishing to use that theme
Made a quick update that should fix the couple of issues you reported.

Quote from: Denis M. – design some more dark colored / black background theme schemes
There are not to many of those ... but there are some.  I thought I had done another one other than Silence but TBH I can't remember for sure (other than the dark one on this site but that is a 2.0 thing not a 1.1.x)

Ohh I see, I'll just settle for one of those then  :thumbsup: , Darktanion is amazing btw :heart_eyes: ,  thanks for the reply Spuds ! Keep on keepin on ! Good job sir well done !
Support / Re: Changing account details and encountering an error ?
Last post by Spuds -
Quote from: Denis M. – Yeah it was pretty weird since the theme seemed pretty up to date at first glance, thanks that would be great for anyone wishing to use that theme
Made a quick update that should fix the couple of issues you reported.

Quote from: Denis M. – design some more dark colored / black background theme schemes
There are not to many of those ... but there are some.  I thought I had done another one other than Silence but TBH I can't remember for sure (other than the dark one on this site but that is a 2.0 thing not a 1.1.x)
Support / Re: Changing account details and encountering an error ?
Last post by Denis M. -
Hey Spuds!

Yeah it was pretty weird since the theme seemed pretty up to date at first glance, thanks that would be great for anyone wishing to use that theme :)

Though I was wondering not sure if I should be opening a new topic but while were here, could I get some suggestions if there's any theme resembling the Silence theme as in a darker color scheme altogether or if I could open up a suggestion regarding that in a board with a topic if someone could design some more dark colored / black background theme schemes, since darker colored backgrounds offer easier reading pressure for the eyes I think that would be great for readers/visitors/webmasters  :smiley:
Support / Re: Changing account details and encountering an error ?
Last post by Spuds -
Looks like you found your answer ...

Themes are notorious for not "keeping up" with the core, although the issue you have shown in your screen shot seems really odd.   Normally a custom  theme does not support a new feature, but in this case the current password field has been around for a decade or more!  I'll try to take a look at that and see if there is a simple fix I can provide.
Support / Re: Changing account details and encountering an error ?
Last post by Spuds -
There should be a field at the very bottom of that form that says Current Password ... you need to fill that out as a security measure.  Those other two password fields are in the when you want to change your password (and you would still need to enter your current one in that current password field.

Its really intended for the event where you don't logout to prevent someone from pranking you.  Normally not a issue when its your computer, but if using a public access point and you forget to logout it could be a problem.