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IRC Started by TestMonkey · · Read 141504 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Reply #45

(09:13:34 PM) Norv: Sorry for the slight not-actually-here status the past week
(09:13:53 PM) Norv: how is you, and how it Elk with you? :)
(09:29:32 PM) emanuele: lol
(09:29:44 PM) emanuele: I've been somehow busy too
(09:30:40 PM) emanuele: working on upgrading warriorcats from RC3-like to 2.0.4 and try to find ways to optimize things
(09:31:37 PM) emanuele: And you? Everything fine?
(09:35:53 PM) Norv: Everything fine and wandering around a bit.
(09:53:19 PM) Norv: We should get stuff together though, for beta, asap.
(10:02:02 PM) emanuele: of course
(10:02:16 PM) emanuele: is the error class a 1.0 target?
(10:04:23 PM) Norv: I think it would be much better to have it
(10:05:14 PM) emanuele: I stopped on that because of the not being sure how to deal with attachments
(10:05:53 PM) Norv: we need improved code at any level, methinks. It makes sense to add our wanted features and some changes to the looks, but it's important for further work, fixes, contributions, to work towards better code
(10:06:15 PM) Norv: the second class didn't deal with it enough?
(10:07:19 PM) emanuele: yep, though there was the comment about the sub-class and I was not sure if go on with that or wait and see... O:)
(10:07:36 PM) Norv: ah, don't worry
(10:08:06 PM) Norv: for the subclass we need to see how to init in context() and I'm not sure without playing with it
(10:22:43 PM) emanuele: I think I'm trying to do too many things...even though are not so many... :(
(10:32:11 PM) Norv: choose then :D

(10:35:01 PM) Norv: fyi. I've been also looking more into future options for Elk's financial/legal options. Not that it's urgent (it isn't really), just a question sooner or later we will get to. I intend to present the options publicly.

(10:48:01 PM) Norv: afk. damn bugz.
(12:54:27 AM) emanuele: time to go bed
(12:54:30 AM) emanuele: bye!

(02:10:05 AM) Trekkie101: Norv Aaron I made codez
(02:10:40 AM) TimeVortex: Hide the children!
(02:15:10 AM) Trekkie101: I show you
(02:15:25 AM) Trekkie101:
Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 12:21:28 pm by emanuele
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #46

(10:36:41 PM) Norv: you killed the template.
(10:38:00 PM) ***emanuele is innocent...
(10:38:08 PM) emanuele: what template? ???
(10:38:42 PM) ***Norv thinks emanuele is never innocent
(10:38:52 PM) Norv: unapproved_attachments :D
(10:39:07 PM) emanuele: isn't it nice? O:-)
(10:40:45 PM) ***emanuele has changed his personal text to "template killer"
(10:41:11 PM) Norv: lol

(10:42:13 PM) Norv: emanuele: do you still bring stuff from 2.1? I seem to have seen some fixes, not sure if we need them
(10:42:51 PM) Norv: I can look into them, I'm just asking if you still do that since I know you had
(10:43:44 PM) emanuele: lately I've been working on too many (too similar) codebasis and I may have forgot some...
(10:43:46 PM) emanuele: I try to
(10:44:11 PM) emanuele: but I'm not sure I cross-committed everything in the last month
(10:47:22 PM) Norv: okay, just something I need to remember to cross-check before beta

(10:48:03 PM) emanuele: About the templates, would you prefer to have more "specialized" templates by default using template_show_list and let the themers decide if they want to design a completely different template?
(10:48:29 PM) emanuele: like it was template_unapproved_attachments?
(10:48:41 PM) Norv: if it makes sense to have a differently designed template
(10:49:25 PM) emanuele: that's not something I can answer...
(10:49:37 PM) emanuele: for me 1 template is more than enough! :P
(10:50:28 PM) Norv: my preference would go for more templates indeed, when I'm not sure: but that's probably because I'm not a designer. (and you should be grateful for that!)
(10:50:39 PM) emanuele: maybe just a if (function_exists('template_' . $sub_template)) {custom} else {default}
(10:51:00 PM) Norv: I'll post the log anyway, to have those silent designers speak up, or remain without templates :D
(10:51:18 PM) Norv: and ping TimeVortex for good measure.

(10:52:12 PM) emanuele: we could just add a parameter to createList
(10:52:31 PM) emanuele: with a "custom template" and load it if exists otherwise go with the default one
(10:54:17 PM) emanuele: I know that sort of hide the template itself because people are lazy and just use what they have in front of their noses, but could be an interesting option. :P
(10:54:27 PM) Norv: that makes sense. Poor createList() takes the brunt.
(10:55:11 PM) emanuele: We will have also to document all that crap!!! LOL
(10:55:18 PM) Norv: it seems the same kind of extra option that we'd have with eventual named sections to add stuff to
(10:56:11 PM) Norv: Of course lol. Nice and 'how to' style, and per ways to, as well as what
(10:56:53 PM) emanuele: ...mmm...why not just use the list id?
(10:58:14 PM) Norv: use it how?
(10:58:28 PM) emanuele: as (sub-)template name
(10:58:33 PM) emanuele: I think I didn't cross-commit the reworking of boardindex in layers
(10:59:36 PM) emanuele: if (function_exists('template_' . $listOptions['id'])) { $context['sub_template'] = $listOptions['id']; }
(11:00:25 PM) Norv: ah. Maybe... It'll be only one. Oh and in that case you want me to check the list names too for the naming patterns! :P
(11:00:39 PM) emanuele: lol
(11:00:40 PM) ***Norv likes consistency
(11:01:02 PM) emanuele: that would be nice too, and if you do it, I wouldn't complain. :P
(11:01:53 PM) Norv: yessir. I also promise some misses to be sure :D
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #47

(11:25:01 PM) emanuele: my only opinion about MPL is that is too long to read...
(11:33:08 PM) Norv: lol... It's a known issue, that we need CC licenses for software :D
(11:33:41 PM) Norv: with all the package, human readable version included of course.

(11:37:11 PM) emanuele: do you keep an eye on the bug reports board?
(11:37:17 PM) Norv: no
(11:37:58 PM) emanuele:
(11:38:03 PM) emanuele:
(11:38:09 PM) emanuele:
(11:38:24 PM) emanuele: that may (or may not) be of interest
(11:46:00 PM) Norv: Thanks! The first - did Spuds see it? I think it's correct (strange), I'd need to check
(11:46:22 PM) Norv: mail headers
(11:48:12 PM) emanuele: don't know, I didn't see him in a few days

(11:52:12 PM) Norv:
(11:57:11 PM) emanuele: O_O
(11:57:55 PM) Norv: ^^ That!!

(11:19:53 PM) Norv: btw, for fun and interest - and for chat log.
(11:27:01 PM) Norv: that's from 2008, and there is still no real forum-email interoperability. Spuds will make Elk do the awesome thing.

(11:27:28 PM) Norv: have you tried the branch, emanuele?
(11:28:16 PM) emanuele: nope...
(11:29:26 PM) emanuele: Am I dumb or the Profile code looks flexible but is a rather monolithic piece of marble?
(11:33:49 PM) emanuele: github UI is quite crappy...
(11:34:07 PM) ***emanuele is in complain mode
(11:35:15 PM) emanuele: what do you think about having a field somewhere to store the email-id? O:-)
(11:35:38 PM) Norv: yes the Profile code is not cool
(11:38:55 PM) Norv: I don't know about email-id... is this how we relate email and post?
(11:40:13 PM) Norv: you know, the convo mode in PMs, is yet another piece which does the kind of job described in the blog: figure out and build the convo from messages. it's probably one of the most terrible areas code-style-wise
(11:41:08 PM) Norv: it's a similar algorythm with what a web interface to a mailing list does
(11:42:38 PM) Norv: if you have suggestions as alternative to some of the services (or all, for that matter) to github, say so :)
(11:45:25 PM) Norv: initially I wanted gitorious, but tbh it's more (much more) terrible and limited than github; for less experienced coders it matters imo. And SMF didn't (well, doesn't) have a development community, so funnily enough, user-friendly was a criterium high in the list pro github. headscratch
(11:55:10 PM) emanuele: email-id: sorry, I wanted to say Message-ID, that way it could send emails back with a proper In-Reply-To and clients would be able to thread them properly
(02/12/2013 12:01:19 AM) emanuele: GUI: never mind, I just don't like most of the GUIs out there...(and I'm not good at design them)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #48

(01:36:40 AM) emanuele: I did my part a long while ago updating simpledesk to "barely work" with 2.1 (it installs and works, just the editor is not nice to see)
(01:41:41 AM) emanuele: barely related: do we like SD at Elk?
(01:42:16 AM) emanuele: ...anyway for after beta
(01:43:11 AM) emanuele: [bugz] Another topic that may be of interest about legacy code that can be removed:
(01:48:40 AM) Norv: ah, yes, I remember that
(01:51:58 AM) Norv: not necessary
(01:52:44 AM) Norv: On SD: I don't think so, not that I see.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #49

I kinda like the idea of condensing the menu, but we don't need the legacy code.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P


Reply #50

(10:51:59 PM) ***emanuele is killing some other templates! :D
(11:05:30 PM) emanuele: I think sooner or later I will try to create a forum around createList...
(11:05:32 PM) emanuele: lol
(11:05:37 PM) emanuele:
(11:05:54 PM) emanuele: (branch name is just BS)

(12:26:16 AM) Norv: ...I was fighting octopress, under certain umm, beer-driven circumstances. Beer - octopress 0 - 1.
(12:30:29 AM) emanuele: LOL
(12:30:37 AM) emanuele: interesting this octopress...
(12:34:31 AM) Norv: it's cool lol

(12:37:33 AM) Norv: >> (11:05:30 PM) emanuele: I think sooner or later I will try to create a forum around createList...
(12:37:33 AM) Norv: hah, you still don't know this is what we do here? :D
(01:03:28 AM) emanuele: lol

(01:31:50 AM) Norv:

(02:00:47 AM) trekkie101: Did you see my terrible code earlier this week?
(02:07:41 AM) Norv: I took a look :D
(02:09:44 AM) Norv: I just looked quickly. But, you made more?
(02:12:19 AM) Norv: LOL!
(02:12:53 AM) Norv: I had forgotten that dialog haha
(02:15:26 AM) trekkie101: Lmfao that's good and no :( I had a free afternoon and a long time ambition had been to try some code :p might aswel try sometime
(02:27:04 AM) Norv: sure thing, and cool :D
(02:27:18 AM) Norv: Ema needs more competition.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #51

(06:40:20 PM) Norv: morning Spuds
(07:10:51 PM) Spuds: See I made it :D
(07:55:49 PM) Norv: Found your way, huh? :P
(08:27:53 PM) Spuds: I took a moment and pushed the latest updates to the site

(08:28:44 PM) ***emanuele goes try move topics
(08:28:44 PM) emanuele: :D
(08:29:54 PM) Spuds: LOL
(08:30:02 PM) ***emanuele failed... :(
(08:30:08 PM) Spuds: blame Norv
(08:30:17 PM) emanuele: As usual :P
(08:30:27 PM) Norv: Oops? I thought there was something with split topics
(08:30:59 PM) Spuds: We could change all of our Die, hacking attempt to ... Blame Norv :P
(08:31:23 PM) Norv: Yay! :D
(08:31:39 PM) emanuele: LOL
(08:31:46 PM) emanuele: +1
(08:32:13 PM) ***Norv feels like a celebrity :P
(08:33:37 PM) Spuds: The error log says .... .    The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: disregarded
(08:33:38 PM) Spuds: Function: markTopicsRead
(08:33:47 PM) Norv: Haha.
(08:34:19 PM) Spuds: but since there is no query in the log ... that means its failing to cast ...
(08:34:44 PM) Norv: I'll take a look in the debugger. Because actually - yes it seems so
(08:35:01 PM) Spuds: so we have a null value we are trying to stuff in the disregared value
(08:35:53 PM) emanuele: Ahhhh...I think I got it
(08:36:30 PM) emanuele: SELECT lmr.id_member, lmr.id_msg, t.id_topic, lt.disregarded
(08:36:33 PM) emanuele: should be
(08:36:35 PM) emanuele: SELECT lmr.id_member, lmr.id_msg, t.id_topic, IFNULL(lt.disregarded, 0)
(08:36:59 PM) emanuele: Topics.subs.php
(08:37:11 PM) Norv: Anyone interested to add NULL handling to $smcFunc ?
(08:40:06 PM) Spuds: How would we do it ... just by default? ... That insert is failing on the isset check since its null value .
(08:40:14 PM) Spuds: Seems like Ema has the fix there
(08:44:56 PM) Norv: perhaps somewhere before preg_replace_callback() in smf_db_query()
(08:46:36 PM) Norv: No... smf_db_insert() with the checks
(08:46:55 PM) Spuds: just assume nulls should be 0 (in the insert)
(08:51:13 PM) Norv: it depends on the data type though
(08:52:03 PM) Norv: i.e. empty string '' , empty array of ints, strings
(08:52:58 PM) Spuds: true ....
(08:56:26 PM) Norv: only the assumption '0' would make some cases better I suppose, but it could also create some subtle bug when the type is accepted but value '0' inappropriate
(08:58:41 PM) Spuds: Maybe just a better error message
(09:39:44 PM) ***emanuele says something heretic: why not drop the entry if null and rely on the default?
(09:39:47 PM) ***emanuele runs
(09:58:20 PM) Spuds: I thought about that to .... but thought its probaly nicer to catch the error before it goes to the db .... but maybe just let the db deal with it
Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 03:51:45 pm by TestMonkey
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #52

(10:11:58 PM) emanuele: what about remove "Manage" from all the files in /admin/?
(10:13:34 PM) Norv: I thought about it... not sure. Add Languages.controller.php, or, replace Manage with: Languages.admin.php ?
(10:15:34 PM) emanuele: no preferences...just seems a bit dumb have all the "Manage*.php" when everything else has been moved to *.something.php

(10:16:44 PM) emanuele: found another missing global! :P

(10:16:58 PM) emanuele: We really need to move to constants or something. O:)
(10:17:12 PM) emanuele: is it constants good?
(10:17:53 PM) Norv: yes
(10:17:56 PM) emanuele: A while ago Spuds was pointing out that $librarydir can be a bit weird because there is also a dir called /lib/
(10:18:55 PM) emanuele: $sourcedir => SOURCE?
(10:19:05 PM) emanuele: $sourcedir => SOURCEDIR?
(10:19:05 PM) Norv: SOURCES ?
(10:19:23 PM) Norv: I'd kinda incline to SOURCEDIR :D
(10:20:11 PM) emanuele: at least it's one less to type... :P
(10:20:53 PM) Norv: as for lib: so, LIBRARYDIR for /lib (formerly /subs, for subs and class files) and have external libraries in EXT /ext
(10:21:27 PM) Norv: SUBSDIR would be odd, huh?
(10:21:44 PM) emanuele: ahh...didn't noce
(10:21:48 PM) emanuele: well, it's the same
(10:22:13 PM) Spuds: +1 Constants +1 names with DIR since thats what they are
(10:24:23 PM) Norv: Just enough to cut off the inconsistencies, would be SUBSDIR. Preferable?

(10:26:10 PM) Norv: emanuele: editors/IDEs recognize constants (well many of them editors), so there :D
(10:26:36 PM) Spuds: real programers use vi :P
(10:26:55 PM) ***Spuds is not a real programmer
(10:27:28 PM) ***emanuele uses kate...
(10:27:30 PM) emanuele: :P
(10:27:37 PM) Spuds: emacs
(10:28:30 PM) Spuds: norv uses neural interface
(10:28:39 PM) emanuele: lol

(10:29:32 PM) Spuds: SUBSDIR seems fine to me
(10:30:44 PM) emanuele: now I have just to figure out how to make Elk write a proper Settings.php with the define :P
(10:33:08 PM) Norv: upgrade will grumble too
(10:35:54 PM) emanuele: yep
(10:38:07 PM) emanuele: wondering, what about hooks?
(10:39:11 PM) emanuele: I'm still not sure what will be the final state of add-ons, if "confined" in a directory?
(10:39:15 PM) Norv: what issue in particular about hooks?
(10:42:00 PM) emanuele: replace the dir
(10:42:04 PM) emanuele: in the string
(10:42:34 PM) emanuele: is it fine to have 'BOARDDIR/myfile.php'?
(10:42:48 PM) emanuele: yeah, should be enough...
(10:43:10 PM) Norv: Ahh. Yes that too
(10:44:55 PM) Norv: I was thinking to add auto loading of files with certain name patterns from addondir but that shouldn't influence the rest
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #53

Quote from: TestMonkey – IMHO the solution is the way to go, I'm just not sure $dirs is of any use for mods/addons, so might as well define paths directly in Settings.php.

Too late to think about it again... :o
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Reply #54

Quote from: emanuele –
Quote from: TestMonkey – IMHO the solution is the way to go, I'm just not sure $dirs is of any use for mods/addons, so might as well define paths directly in Settings.php.
Too late to think about it again... :o
Yes, TE's choice of index.php is better since the effect is the same and it's not complicating Settings.php. :)

(12:30:59 AM) emanuele: will we allow to change also controllerdir, subsdir, etc. or just sourcedir?
(12:31:09 AM) emanuele: (I think only sourcedir, but better ask)
(12:43:52 AM) Norv: good question
(12:44:24 AM) emanuele: well, right...constants are constant and we, just at the end of settings.php are trying to change them...
(12:44:43 AM) emanuele: so maybe handle them as variables in Settings.php and define them at the end?
(12:48:30 AM) Norv: I can't see a very good use case for separate locations of subs, controllers, etc, those in sourcedir, perhaps except lib (the external lib)
(12:50:46 AM) Norv: correction: surely except /lib: I think this should be easy to change. Thinking that for linux packaging we might need different locations and/or changes
(12:50:56 AM) emanuele: yep, that was my reasoning too
(12:51:08 AM) emanuele: I think I'm going to define the constants in index.php
(12:52:44 AM) Norv: should work and avoid too fluffy Settings
(12:54:32 AM) emanuele: should we unset the variables or just ignore them?
(12:55:58 AM) Norv: unset
(12:56:23 AM) ***Norv doesn't like lazy globals around

(12:56:59 AM) Norv: thinking to change languagedir too ?
(12:57:12 AM) Norv: this was the last remaining
(12:57:57 AM) Norv: at least, I'd add languagedir to the list, even unused yet
Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 07:19:23 pm by TestMonkey
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #55

(01:42:21 AM) emanuele:
(01:43:01 AM) emanuele: at least now Norv will not miss any global! :P (dir related O:))
(01:47:01 AM) Spuds: LOL ... you know thats just so much cleaner looking and robust
(01:47:34 AM) ***emanuele can't find the discussion...
(01:47:46 AM) Norv: you're trying to win through such low means
(01:48:09 AM) emanuele: >:-D

(01:48:19 AM) Norv: mind if I merge this one without testing? You tested it after all :D
(01:48:27 AM) emanuele: ...
(01:48:32 AM) emanuele: are you sure I tested it?  O:-)
(01:48:45 AM) Norv: ohwell, fine!
 TestMonkey checks out the PR.
(01:49:20 AM) emanuele: well...up to you :P
(01:56:29 AM) Spuds: Norv just wants to cover up any more missed Globals .... die('Blame Ema');
(01:58:11 AM) Norv: psst. Why did you tell?
(01:58:37 AM) Norv: ok... it seems to be working

(02:01:51 AM) emanuele: now I have to remember what I was working on before... lol
(02:02:04 AM) Norv: ban edit O:-)
(02:02:58 AM) emanuele: uhhh....
(02:03:05 AM) emanuele: I forgot about that one...
(02:03:18 AM) emanuele: nope, I was playing with the post page
(02:04:05 AM) emanuele: to allow adding new things above and below the post area (there is already around a branch)
(02:04:05 AM) Norv: ah nice :)
(02:05:24 AM) emanuele: I was just trying to find a balance between support thousands of possible alternatives and the bare minimum
(02:05:55 AM) emanuele: you know when I start adding bits I continue until is basically impossible to read the code...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #56

(06:19:27 AM) Spuds: Before I forget this ....
(06:21:16 AM) Spuds: function attachmentChecks  ...... has some checks up front that set errror = ..... looks like an extra rrrrrrrrrrrr in that errrrrrror ...
(06:22:34 AM) Spuds: trying to use that function for some attachment checks so stumboled accross it
(06:28:18 AM) Spuds: stumboled .... say I like making up words,, thats a keeper
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #57

Where is feature cat? :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Reply #58

 TestMonkey takes a look around.
It's sleeping in the attic, hah.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #59

(07:16:04 PM) Trekkie101: OMG the elkarte logo is up
(07:16:12 PM) Trekkie101: There be a moose in the hoose!
(07:18:59 PM) emanuele: I don't like it so much, though I don't have anything better...
(07:22:37 PM) Trekkie101: At least you get little teddy versions
(07:22:45 PM) Trekkie101: Possibly with tshirts!
(07:27:57 PM) ***emanuele wants two!

(07:34:18 PM) Spuds: Norv ... another attachment thing before I forget
(07:35:08 PM) Spuds: $txt['attach_check_nag'] is in Post.english and needs to be in Errors.english since its only used with a fatal_lang_error
(07:37:34 PM) Norv: Yessir. /tries to pay attention :D
(07:39:25 PM) ***Norv will re-read this log, to see if there's something to address. Right now, focused on governance/licensing/elk/smf stuff.
(07:42:34 PM) Spuds: Just making a note, still working on PBE so have a lot going on in my head ....
(07:42:34 PM) Spuds: glad Elk was ahead of SMF in your comment ;)
(07:43:58 PM) Trekkie101: haha good catch

(07:59:30 PM) emanuele: Spuds, let me know when you update the site code so I'll try again the move function! O:-)
 Norv gets a blank page on Elk site.
(08:07:24 PM) Norv: looks like somebody updated the site...
(08:07:31 PM) Norv: but not Settings.php ?

(08:11:02 PM) Spuds: > emanuele: Spuds, let me know when you update the site code so I'll try again the move function! O:-)
(08:11:02 PM) Spuds: Just did it
(08:11:44 PM) emanuele: YAY!
(08:11:46 PM) emanuele: Works!
(08:12:44 PM) ***emanuele wonders if the settings for the redirection topic should be saved in session just like the destination board

(08:24:22 PM) Spuds: Cool that move worked ... no errors in the log due to that (just a few for when I pulled the rug out during the change O:-), fun with test sites!)

(09:28:58 PM) Norv: Haha @ all the moves
(09:31:33 PM) ***emanuele has moved just some, not all... O:-)

(12:25:54 AM) ***Norv is old and slow.
(12:28:09 AM) emanuele: if you are old what should Spuds say? :P
(01:42:13 AM) Spuds: At least have the decency to type in all CAPS so I can hear you :P

The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.