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Bug Reports / Re: Forum Emails
Last post by Steeley -
I was actually asking for an envelope from a message sent FROM your forum, not the bounce message back.

I wanted to see what exactly you were sending out that google was objecting to.....

But if it's working now, this thread can go in the "Moot" bin..
Bug Reports / Re: Forum Emails
Last post by Steeley -
Can you post the headers from the email envelope (aka "Raw View")?

This is what I see from EA's mail server, and they "should" be good with GMail - EA is still working, right?  (but who knows - Gmail marches to their own drummer and thinks the rest of the world should follow their lead..?)

Code: [Select]
 From: "Burke Knight via ElkArte Community" <>
Reply-To: "ElkArte Community" <>
Message-ID: <>

 This is what I get from my own forum (v.1.6) .....

Code: [Select]
 From: {my forum ID} <>
Reply-To: {my forum} <>
Message-ID: <>

Unless they're bitching about different domains in "from" and "reply to" (and they shouldn't, at all), and the message ID is from the same "From" domain, this should be acceptable..

If you are using GMail to send, you might have to dig up an old forum email that went through and see what was being sent out "OK" before GMail changed policy..
Bug Reports / Forum Emails
Last post by Burke Knight -
Okay, if you use gmail for emails, the emails sent from the forums seem to no longer work.
This seems to be due to a new thing about multiple email addresses in the "from" that gets rejected now by gmail.

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
    host [IP ADDRESS]
    SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
    550-5.7.1 [IP ADDRESS] Messages with multiple addresses in From:
    header are
    550-5.7.1 not accepted. For more information, go to
    550-5.7.1 and review
    550 5.7.1 RFC 5322 specifications. SESSION ID - gsmtp
Addons / Re: [ADDON] Fancybox
Last post by Mrs. Chaos -
Not that I know of. How can I find out if there are any that are causing this now?
Maybe the thumbnails have been disappearing for a long time and I just didn't notice it right away.
Addons / Re: [ADDON] Fancybox
Last post by Mrs. Chaos -

I noticed yesterday that in posts in which thumbnails have been inserted, these are no longer displayed when you are logged out. In the places where they should be visible, there is only a correspondingly large empty space.
However, when I log in, the thumbnails are there and I can click on them, enlarge them and scroll through them. After logging out, they are even permanently displayed again, regardless of whether I am logged in or out.

I have now tested it on two laptops and a desktop PC and it was the same on all of them. What could be the reason for this? I haven't changed any settings for a long time. The thumbnails should always be visible, even for visitors who only visit the forum once.
Chit Chat / How long can you tread water?
Last post by Steeley -
@badmonkey , @Spuds

Now that Helene's and Milton's 8-state pool party is over.. I hope you guys are high and dry and living the life, and not clinging to branches and wondering where the house went. 


Pipe in and put my concerns to rest..