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Support / Re: Setting up SMTP Mailing service
Last post by Steeley -

If he's using sendgrid as his email server, I don't think that (cpanel smtp filtering thing) is going to help him @ahrasis 

@Denis M. - first, let me ask what is wrong with using your own host's email system (why are you messing with sendgrid at all)?

(FWIW, that error is saying the security certificates are not OAUTH2 (I suspect) security compliant. But, why you are involving ChatGPT in this is beyond me.. let's get back to basic SMTP stuff, which still works in most everywhere, and start there.. )
Support / Re: Setting up SMTP Mailing service
Last post by D.M. -
Well, my happiness was shortlasting ! @Steeley was right , it doesnt work, now theres a new error but I think it's hosting related , I have no idea how the first mail even went through and how this error just popped up out of nowhere without changing anything in the smtp  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`' did not match expected CN=`'

This is what Chat GPT has to say:
Understanding the Error
stream_socket_enable_crypto(): This PHP function enables encryption on a stream, typically for securing communications with SSL/TLS.
Peer certificate CN='': The Common Name (CN) in the SSL/TLS certificate presented by the SMTP server is
did not match expected CN='': The script expects the Common Name to be, which means your ElkArte forum is configured to connect to SendGrid’s SMTP server, but the server it’s actually connecting to is presenting a certificate for
Potential Causes
Misconfigured SMTP Settings: Your ElkArte forum might be configured with incorrect SMTP server details.
Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack: While less likely, a MITM attack could be intercepting your SMTP connections and presenting a different certificate.
Proxy or Intermediate Server: Your hosting provider might be routing SMTP connections through an intermediate server which presents its own certificate.

what the heck ?

Support / Re: Blocking Guests from viewing specific Board ?
Last post by D.M. -
Quote from: ahrasis – Just untick guests from allowed groups to disable their access, then change the board to Read Only.

Quote from: Spuds – As above:point_up_2:... Admin -> Forum -> Modify  Boards

Then find the board and use the MODIFY button, uncheck Guest from the allowed groups.

What kind of magic is this ? I was searching all around clicking everywhere but only after I saw your reply its like I exactly knew what to do and I clicked on the board name in Board Permissions and found the ticker for Guests !

You guys are amazing ! Thank you very much !
Support / Blocking Guests from viewing specific Board ?
Last post by D.M. -
Greetings ElkArtians !

Running into a bit of a difficult time setting up board specific permissions for the Guest user group, tried absolutely everything but you gentlemen may have a resolution that I couldnt find!

So the idea is to make one of the Boards read only (that's done by setting up the read only permissions for the specific board) But I would like to completely ban Guests from even viewing that specific board, is that possible ?

Thanks in advance !