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Support / Re: Text view
Last post by Steeley -
This sounds like a configuration issue with your server... pretty sure Elkarte serves up generic HTML via PHP, to your host's web-server (Apache, Centora, Vesta, whatever.. etc.), to serve to the internet.

First, check with your hosting service and see what they think. Also gather server configuration info (web software,, database, php versions, yadda yadda) in case we need to look at EA configuration with your platform.

Meanwhile, can you post a screenshot of "text view" (preferably from your desktop, not smartphone) - I think I know what you are seeing, but before I delve further, I'd like to be sure so I don't send you down a rabbit hole..

Edit: Oh, and what version of EA are you running?
Support / Text view
Last post by Cate -
Our forum was set up in August 2024. Many of us see text view only and it can switch backwards & forwards between "normal" or HTML or text. On my iphone if I use Safari it's always HTML but on other browsers it's often text only. On my laptop, no matter what browser I use I mostly get text view. I have updated all of my browsers. Many other users get the same thing. Those who only use Apple products don't get the text view.
Is there a simple fix, preferably one that someone like me, who is self-taught on computers, will understand please?
Edit: This link may show what I often see-
OpenImporter / Re: [Wedge 1.0] Importer
Last post by Kian -
Quote from: Kian – If not I think I'll just proceed with the following query and hope for the best :

Code: [Select]
UPDATE wedge_messages SET posterIP = '';

Well, for anyone who may need this, it actually worked but with the following query :

Code: [Select]
MariaDB [MyDatabase]> UPDATE wedge_messages SET poster_ip = '0';
Query OK, 209915 rows affected (2.668 sec)
Rows matched: 209915  Changed: 209915  Warnings: 0

MariaDB [MyDatabase]>
OpenImporter / Re: [Wedge 1.0] Importer
Last post by Kian -
Quote from: TE – The attached version should import a wedge forum to ElkArte.. It's still based on an outdated version of OpenImporter but it should work  :-[

Importing settings... ✔
Importing members... ✔
Importing attachments... ✔
Importing avatars... ✔
Importing categories... ✔
Importing collapsed categories... ✔
Importing boards... ✔
Importing topics... ✔
Importing messages... ✔
Importing polls... ✔
Importing poll choices... ✔
Importing poll votes... ✔
Importing personal messages... ✔
Importing pm recipients... ✔
Importing pm rules... ✔
Importing board moderators... ✔
Importing mark read data (topics)... ✔
Importing mark read data... ✔
Importing notifications... ✔
Importing membergroups... ✔
Importing group moderators... ✔
Importing permission profiles... ✔
Importing permissions... ✔
Importing board permissions... ✔
Importing smileys... ✔
Copying smileys... ✔
Importing statistics (activity log)... ✔
Importing logged actions... ✔
Importing reported posts... ✔
Importing reported comments... ✔
Importing spider hits... ✔
Importing spider stats... ✔
Importing subscriptions... ✔
Recalculating statistics... ✔

Note: I'n not sure with the ip adress import for the messages, the format seems somewhat different compared to ElkArte's ipv6 implemantation.

Good Luck and hopefully Welcome to ElkArte  :D

Hello and thanks for the script.

I know I'm upping a very old topic, but I'm currently tyring to migrate from Wedge and it seems that, as mentioned at the end of your post, it's not IPv6 compatible. The export from Wedge to Elkarte 1.0 works up until I've setup IPv6 on my forum DNS. It crashes at my first ever IPv6 message   :sweat:

Would there happen to be a way to clear / modify these IPv6, and don't actually need to keep them logged for the migration.

If not I think I'll just proceed with the following query and hope for the best :

Code: [Select]
UPDATE wedge_messages SET posterIP = '';
Bug Reports / Profile Recent Posts in this forum
Last post by nwsw -
The links to recent posts on this forum are broken. For example, on my profile, one of my posts is linked as:;msg=44492;%23msg44492

but it should probably look like:

I looked through the patch_1-1-10 branch. The relevant part of ProfileInfo.controller.php function _load_recent_posts has not changed in 11 years, so I am guessing that this forum is running the Development branch and uses the UrlGenerator code.
Bug Reports / Re: Forum Emails
Last post by Steeley -
I was actually asking for an envelope from a message sent FROM your forum, not the bounce message back.

I wanted to see what exactly you were sending out that google was objecting to.....

But if it's working now, this thread can go in the "Moot" bin..